ADBruno1985's Replies

They almost have to, otherwise it's a waste of set-up for a minor character. I've not, and don't plan to. Considered it, and I can see the appeal, but ultimately, I don't want to have to go to a different board for each show (especially one that has its end date announced). I think traffic is starting to pick up here a little, and will do more so. Plus, the idea of having to wait weeks for approval from a moderator sounds tedious and is an extra turn-off. Yeah, it was only touched on lightly, and once, that I recall. It was in his intro scene, when Norma was checking out Pineview for Norman, and she was talking to Dr. Edwards, and as per usual, trying to use her sexuality as a tool. She was all "You seem nice, maybe you can... help me, maybe we can work something out," like that, and he's just like "I'm gay." Connecting the doctor to the club, that seems obvious, can't believe I overlooked that now. That makes a lot of sense as well. I hope they explain it, I want to know. I also doubt Norman, especially as Norma, would top another guy, just throwing that out there. I feel like he couldn't have bottomed though, he'd know, so they probably stop before that point. I've been wondering since the start of the season if there were other victims in the time jump. I went back and forth, thinking yes on one hand, it just makes sense, but no on the other, because a dormant period makes sense, and it works better for the story (in my opinion) to see who he kills, when, and why. Possibly the answer will be somewhere in the middle. Maybe Dr. Edwards is indeed the only previously unknown victim. Because he wouldn't be just a random motel victim that turned Norman on. Though, he is gay. I think Dr. Edwards was far too ethical and intelligent to make a move on Norman, even if he was interested. But. Norma knew he was gay. Did Norman/Mother? Because that may have made Norman feel murderous anyway. Who knows, that could've even been what spurred him to the gay club. Also, note, we don't know precisely how far Norman went with those guys physically. Plus, maybe when the time came to it, he topped? Also, from what we've seen of White Pine Bay, I have trouble believing there are any night clubs in that area that hopping, let alone for a specific demographic. I just don't feel like there'd be a large enough gay community there to support a club. Anyway. Back to Dr. Edwards not being a typical victim. My guess is he at some point went out to check on Norman, and things went badly. A typical motel guest may not have brought that out from him. There could definitely be more, and while Norman definitely falls into serial killer category by this point, I don't feel like he's supposed to end up with like, 30 victims or anything like that. Also, random, I've enjoyed crossing paths with you on here since the transplant from imdb. Would pm you but can't on here. You seem smart, not a bully, cool points you bring up, etc I don't foresee Norman doing this for a number of reasons. Norman/Norma, whichever, the MO used to be attractive women, and has now switched to men reminiscent of Sam. Katie doesn't fit this bill. Also, what motive would there be for going after their youngest surviving family member? He's not Michael Myers ;) Lastly, and I guess this is more of a narrative thing. I think that, unless they're given a reason to come to White Pine Bay (which could still happen of course), Emma and Katie will stay at home, and safely out of harm's way. Love Emma, but they haven't given her much to do this season, I mean so far literally every one of her scenes has been at their house. So I can kind of see that happening, especially if there's news on her mom. But I don't see Norman going there. Very little of the story has left the town of White Pine Bay, I don't see them removing it to a random new location for the climax, that should be at the house. Agreed, I love it, my friends and I were watching and saying that this show still manages to surprise us. Bradley, maybe, Emma's mom, I'm pretty certain is under the pit that had been intended to become a pool. Good thought on Dr. Edwards maybe being a flashback. Norman's full-on hallucinations seem to be limited to Mother. Probably not without being prompted, but Dylan will probably put it together at some point. I agree, it does seem rushed. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. But I suppose one way to look at it is that there will likely be little to no filler now. This show doesn't typically have too much of it, in my opinion, but now it'll be all but non-existent. I agree. And while Season 2 had its moments, I feel like it getting axed shows it should've been a one-season wonder. What's funny, like tonight/last night's episode, 10x19, they show he is better at being a husband than his friends. They've done that with Howard and Bernadette before, probably Sheldon and Amy at some point. But for his interactions with them, they should just make him gay, he seems like the gay best friend. But I still hope he'll work it out with Emily. Claire would do too. Agreed. Requires close attention to have any idea what's going on. Also, mostly wanted to say I love and agree with your PS lol. I used to frequent over there, now check it much less, just for the industry news. Hoping these boards will pick up more in time, but at least there's also less in the way of trolls here. It's great that he can be politically minded, you're right, that is something they need, especially going forward. However, Maggie and Deanna have both proven you can be a politician in the ZA and not be a jerk and still help in practical matters. And yes, he's sheltering Maggie and Daryl, but I don't think his people would've allowed a refusal on that, so, props, but minimal. I can see the new Sheriff taking the place of Arbogast, but for the fact that overall I feel she'll survive, if that makes sense. dies: Dylan Romero Chick lives: Emma baby Katie Madeline Sheriff Greene Dr. Edwards Ugh don't even go there. "inspired to use science and electricity, the gifts of Satan/Prometheus" So how did you manage to watch the show, and post online about it? ;) I can only assume because people do strange things after the apocalypse and that Kristen Wiig is good at playing off-kilter characters. I was going to suggest it was the best thing for camouflage, but if she was thinking along those lines, she'd also likely hold still.