Evershin's Replies

Multidirectional: I think perhaps your wires are crossed or you're ignorant of something, a few things perhaps. The reason IMDB shut down is because RIGHT WING racists were bombarding the message boards for the movie "I am Not your Nigger" with hatred. They know that any freedom once it is abused it is possible it can be taken away, so once in a while they'll abuse the hell out of it and then it is the right wingers in power (amazon in this case) that use that as excuse to shut it down. Didn't he get a lot of cash? I mean the $5000 they gave him to start with would be worth $62,000 today. He used it to fund future expeditions. At least he got that. He also gets back Marion, who loved him very much. He also advanced his career. Too bad Lucas and Spielberg didn't cover more of what happened. But yes, his loss of the ark was a loss for all of us as well, the entire audience. Well first it was the Iranians, then it was the Taliban, then it was "Al Qaeda" then the CIA admitted that was largely a fabrication and the BBC documentary The Power of Nightmares proved as much but we are supposed to forget about all that. The list of countries the Empire has demonized in order to justify illegally invading is long. So maybe ISIS is another fabrication. It's hard to believe what the Empire pedals on us. I have no doubt ISIS exists but they are very similar to what happened in Cambodia with the Khmer Rouge after the Empire carpet bombed the whole country. "They rape women, torture and kill innocent people and create destruction in Muslim populated countries." This basically describes what the west has done for the past 500 years and the Evil Empire for the past 100. Read Smedley Butler's take on it. But add onto that Native American populated lands, central American, South America, Asian, other European, Australian, Many African countries and Polynesia. So you need to put it into that perspective, step back and see the big picture and decide who is truly the evil ones. Again ISIS is simply another Pol Pot like manifestation of people driven to insane fundamentalism. "I don't see any good guys stepping in as heroes saving the day. " Obviously the good guys would be all us lesser people of the Earth stepping in and demanding that they just stop the wars. Just stop it. Stop letting the wealth of our labor be used for such horror. Stop bombing people, stop invading people, droning people, stop helping those that do, to just utterly stop it. So solution isn't through violence, it is anti-violence, obviously violence just creates more of it which is something we are slow to learn. As the movie War Games stated at the end the only way to win is to not to play in the first place. Amazon soon to be dead to me too. They've gone too far. "Nonsense! Imdb started as a text database on the Usenet forum in 1990" Argh! And what did you THINK that a Usenet forum was anyway? It was a MESSAGE BOARD dummy, and yes it was text based just as IMDBs message board was. Did you ever even USE It? I did. I used it in netscape newsgroup reader. Were you even born then? That's how it started. What's wrong with people and their lack of ability to understand SIMPLE things these days anyway? I agreed with nearly everything Age_of_Serenity wrote except for the following distortion/misunderstanding. "This is the biggest issue I have with this movie (although I'm not surprised since it came from Oliver Stone and he's known to take liberties with facts in order to make political statements). If your film is about hacking/technology, you cannot make up or overstate capabilities since it completely undermines the argument you're trying to make and just frightens people that are not fully aware of what is and isn't possible (or rather, probable)." All directors alter the "facts" somewhat to protect the names of the real life characters or add poetic license in. However, that does not mean Stone is distorting the facts and certainly not in this case. No director can be 100% accurate with the facts. That would require huge amounts of research, experts and sometimes knowledge that isn't even known at the time the movie was created. As they say hindsight is 20/20 (with one caveat - most people are amnesiacs today). I have woken MY OWN computers up from LAN but yes you can hear the startup processes. However, with smart phones, tablets and newer computers it is not difficult for the government and hackers to wake up just the camera, microphones (which are always on unless you disable them) and spy upon you. That's what all the software mentioned in the movie and by Snowden and similar guys have told you. It is not difficult for them to hack your network. This happened once to a Tablet I bought when I turned it off but left it plugged in to charge for the night. When I woke the operating system had updated itself without my permission to an OS I did not want. So I returned it. Additionally if you have a desktop or laptop that you leave plugged in or with the battery it can be theoretically be started up when you are not in the room and "play dead". Watch this speech by Jake Appelbaum to get an idea of many of the things they are capable of doing and how you can somewhat protect yourself. Jacob Appelbaum at 30c3: To Protect And Infect, The Militarization of the Internet http://www.nakedcapitalism.com/2014/01/jacob-appelbaum-30c3-protect-infect-militarization-internet-transcript.html Most certainly through smart phones and smart tvs. This is why they put GPS on phones so they can keep a record of your locations. Who is doing the "considering" exactly and if either activities injure a child for what could be their life (an arm I broke at 13 still bothers me) how is that considered normal? It is foolish and irresponsible to put a child into something that is "considered normal". So many notable people have died skiing and injured themselves severely. Way to screw up a child's life before they've even begun. So there is not a "big difference." The biggest difference is that skiing and gymnastics smashes children up while the rock climbing in this movie just banged the boy up. Also, he wasn't teaching them contempt for the law. Quite the opposite, he taught them the bill of rights and the constitution which are the highest law in the land and taught them to have contempt for authorities and others that have contempt for the law. Nope I picked up on that too. Because it was right wingers that shut down IMDB. They want to shut down all mediums of free speech. They hate freedom. Ironically your signature stamp is hostile. Think your hypocrisy outweighs any need to respond. I know of a community like this although they perhaps are not so extreme. There is one in Denmark called Christiania ironically. Well maybe not so ironic since Christians are liberal in Europe. Are you sure? Imagine a whole parish of church goers shutting down a police precinct because they violated their separation of church and state. Doesn't surprise me that grammar and spelling aren't your friends. Excellent observation. Look how the police violate the constitution everywhere you go. Take the police being bought out by the bankers during the occupy wallstreet thing even against their own best interest - as many protestors pointed out the police pensions had been gutted. I don't think so, on the other hand it is possible because anyone who has any sense would get out of the country to live off grid. A lot of people who think they've committed crimes think they can't get passports. Same here. Thanks to the OP. I didn't really like the title, nor the whole theme around the wife's death. Why couldn't it have just been about this odd family without the horrible death thrown in? Hmm I always find nudity especially IRL less shocking than the thought police like CookieMonsterV and Mamabadger56 want us to believe it is. These types always overblow it into something it is not all the while completely ignoring the heart slamming ultra violence pervasive on television and movies. Niether male nor female nudity really is no big deal. That said, I'm not about to do it myself but if people with nice bodies want to do it, let them well enough alone. They have no affect on you. Think of the children, growing up to think their bodies were something strange and ugly like we were taught to by these damn extremists. My brother's wife nearly got my niece killed or maimed when she was putting her through gymnastics and skiing. Tell me the difference? They said so in the movie when they mentioned the "Citizens United" ruling. No doubt an asshat like yourself thinks that was something about uniting citizens.