Evershin's Replies

As if anyone is going to trust what someone who calls themselves "satan" or "borat" writes. LOL. Whether you like it or not. Bernie wave is coming That's ok because Sanders isn't a socialist, he is a DEMOCRATIC socialist like just about every other country in Europe and many outside of it, that have nicer things than we do. However we have nice Democratic socialist things like Freeways, Social Security, Medicare, libraries, the Army, navy, marines and air force, fire and police departments, weekends and free speech. Democrats Are Not Socialists, and Neither Is Bernie Sanders https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/democrats-are-not-socialists-and-neither-is-bernie-sanders/ *sigh* Trump IS a Russian and Israeli agent and was bailed out of his 4th bankruptcy by the Russians. So far Trump has kowtowed to the Russians, N. Koreans, Assad of Syria and the murderous regime of Saudi Arabia. He has praised other dictators. https://qz.com/1562519/ten-times-trump-trusted-kim-jong-un-and-other-alleged-abusers/ Sanders doesn't like the Russians at all. He voted for a Russia only sanctions bill but when the Republicans tried to lump it in with Iran he knew it would endanger the 2015 Iran nuclear anti-proliferation deal. You see Sanders is a critical thinker and believes in doing things right and strategic instead of wanton, reckless and just purely stupid like Trump does. https://www.sanders.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/sanders-statement-on-iran-and-russia-sanctions No he didn't. He just knew she was better than Trump. Many of us knew that but people like you didn't listen. Now 3000 more Americans are dead after Hurricane Maria that would have been alive if Hillary was president, hundreds of children have been separated from their families some which will never be reunited again, just like what happened during the Nazi Holocaust and we have looming fascism on our hands. The EPA has been dismantled during a time when our waster quality is being poisoned with lead and our infrastructure is failing and Trump is piling trillions of more dollars onto the national debt, making government bigger than ever before, and trying to build a wall to lock us in like it were the Soviet Union. Hillary would have done none of that and had promised to follow some of Bernie's policies like giving people like you an education. You see people with a little intuition can understand what future consequences are to present actions. IMHO I cannot understand those who don't. Fake people use hashtags. Real people use words. LOL FDR saved the most people and freed the world from Fascism, mass murderers and slavery. He turned the Republican caused Great Depression into the most successful version of the United States had ever been before. He was such a great president that he was elected 4 terms. TV had barely been invented. There was no "media" that people could see him in a wheel chair. They listened on the radio. Crooked shallow people like yourself use people's appearances against them but you think being in a wheel chair was being used for him? Make up your mind. You're evil and corrupt and the piper is coming for you. Hmm Trump will be 73 this year, 4 years is not a big difference. "when his many programs bankrupt the country." Bernie Sander's programs will be much like the programs in Europe where they enjoy a stronger economy and higher standard of living while the American infrastructure crumbles. You just don't believe Americans deserve nice things. In fact Germany has an export surplus and even exports its surplus renewable energy. It's programs have made them RICH RICH RICH! "Oddly enough, many people love his giveaways until they discover that they'll actually have to pay for them" We're already paying for Trump's giveaways to the rich but we aren't getting anything in return for them. Bernie will give our money BACK which will make us healthy, wealthy and educated. Trump's budget is a record $4.7 TRILLION dollars! Bernie will shrink that. "and strangely enough, that would include Bernie Sanders " He's not rich, he lives in a modest house. But Trump is rich, doesn't care about you nor America and wants your MONEY to give to his rich friends and to pay for things like his golf courses. It is what they have always done and everyone knows that. We're already paying for Trump's entitlements and his vacations, security for his family and their lavish lifestyle is costing taxpayers more money than any president ever before, so much that Trump has added a whopping $1.1 trillion to the budget deficit PER YEAR. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-budget-increases-national-debt-deficit-2019-3?op=1 So Bernie being infinitely more responsible will pay that down just like it had been happening during the Clinton years. dkgambler Seems like SJWs like yourself are all buttraped over homosexuals being included as if there are some in society. Gosh. WTF? She is gorgeous, as in drop dead.. If I had her as a girlfriend I'd announce it loudly! Perhaps you would be best batting for the pink team hmm? He's not setting up his daughter for a disastrous life though. That's just your projecting your biases on the theme. As I read your comment further it becomes quite clear of that as it seems you are threatened by it. As the social services woman stated, her development was further than others her age. She is far more competent. What we realize, and more of us are realizing it every year, is that WE have been set up for disastrous lives. Quite literally with the unsustainable way we are living we are marching straight off a cliff of mass destruction. No it doesn't seem weird at all. Seems perfectly plausible. What's weird is how all of us slave away and play along with the lies we are told just because we perceive that we are rewarded in some way for it. Yes it was a good story, and also a reminder of the times we are living in and the early adopters of the solutions to those times. I wonder though if there are communities living out there like this. I have a friend who has succumbed and he might like it though getting him to go would be another story. Not really. For example, the police still chased them with dogs, a very violent act to do, and still handcuffed and arrested him and detained them without charge. I mean incarcerating people is an incredibly violent act. He couldn't stand all that. He could stand the way people were. And the social services lady pushing her way of life onto them. That wasn't very nice either. Also, the guy he used to see things to accusing him of bringing in the city thugs. Then there were the thugs with bulldozers needlessly tearing down the homes and tents of those other off gridders. We know this happens in real life, but those were not nice people. None of these movies look good. Not one. Always some kind of depravity involved, gratuitous violence and nothing that captures your imagination with a good story. It kinda makes me crazy how the new generation thinks utter crap including "superhero" movies are any good. Why are they called "superhero" anyway? They are bizarre and vulgar comic book creations. Ok Starting off with Birdman: "A washed-up actor, who once played an iconic superhero, attempts to revive his career by writing and starring in his very own Broadway play. " Are you serious? '71 "In 1971, a young and disorientated British soldier is accidentally abandoned by his unit following a riot on the deadly streets of Belfast. " Ok that might be alright but I'm already expecting a political bias here. Still not a movie that can make you sleep well at night. I mean why revisit the past horror when we have enough of it today. I'll pass. Inside Llewyn Davis "A week in the life of a young singer as he navigates the Greenwich Village folk scene of 1961. " Hmm maybe I'll give it a chance. Tangerines "War in Georgia, Apkhazeti region in 1990. An Estonian man Ivo has stayed behind to harvest his crops of tangerines. In a bloody conflict at his door, a wounded man is left behind, and Ivo is forced to take him in. " Yeaup still can't get past this horror, war, depravity, violence thing can we? I'm going to end it here. Don't have time for this BS. The last good movie I saw was North of the Sun. The one before that Motorcycle Diaries. The rest is all crrrraaap. Rust and Bone "Put in charge of his young son, Alain leaves Belgium for Antibes to live with his sister and her husband as a family. Alain's bond with Stephanie, a killer whale trainer, grows deeper after Stephanie suffers a horrible accident. " Hmm ok but still sounds like a lot of misery. Ok I'm out of space and cannot type anymore. According to your map there Louisiana is in the Deep South and that is where this movie begins. The thing is only this kind of thing could go on in the South. Only Southerners lack the sort of morality that would prevent them from participating in doing things like this. The whole of Texas, for example, is filled with billionaires that filched the wealth of all Americans through the oil business and lets not even get started on the tel-evangelists. I would suggest that in the case of this movie the Deep South is that of Colombia and Nicaragua because they are both as deeply south in the Northern Hemisphere was one can get. "unwavering belief in their own untethered power.... but also that those missions failed. Completely and utterly." It's not just that those missions failed, it is that they failed because they were destined to fail, there was absolutely no way they could have succeeded because they are based upon pure ignorance and stupidity that forms an ideology of stupidity, the ideology of conservatism which is a bankrupt ideology, that is just plain wrong about everything. This is one perfect case in point. And now in 2017 and 2018 we are right back down that same path of stupidity because the American voters are just so incredibly stupid they STILL have not learned their lesson. You'd think the worst recession in history, the most unjustified wars in modern history would have been enough to teach them not to go down the same path again, but they chose it all over again!!!! and it is worse now than it has ever been. Johndass, Are you kidding? Guess you've never had an English class in high school where they analyze stories. There is no "looking" it is quite clear. Is it beyond you what the first 3 movies of Star Wars represented? Is it beyond you what a metaphor or allegory is? Do you just go around life where everything is completely beyond you? Are you a replicant? There is so much obliviousness to your statement that it is beyond belief. Agreed, this was a brilliantly directed movie. The feeling of adventure and excitement the director instills in you at the beginning, the near perfect placement of the great music of the time, the sense of euphoria you feel along with the characters. Yes Richard is a little American brat which is so common today, but it wasn't so common then. People weren't such immoral opportunists. Number 1 rule was never ever to go after another man's girl. In the book this doesn't happen however it is because the director followed the story in the book is the reason it decays so badly towards the end. It's really a metaphor for humans in the Garden of Eden and tourism in general. They find paradise and utopia and just have to mess it all up by the end. I'm glad the director deviated from the book with Francoise and Richard's affair. It could only have been made better/more realistic if Francoise wasn't with Entiene. He's a typical conservative finding himself in a socialist-utopia-like free environment to exploit in order to destroy. This is why daffy gave him the map thinking it was time to end it. He knew Richard was the type to destroy it. It's like all those conservatives going on welfare during and after the recession and proudly announcing on message boards across the internet that they wish to exploit it, like those criminal types that commit crimes when there are no laws or police around to stop them (they are the REASON we have to have things like traffic laws because they are so immoral - they always have to abuse freedom in order to destroy it), like Ayn Rand writing Atlas Shrugged then bankrupt living her life out on Social Security, the banks collecting bailouts from President Bush they all wanted to exploit that which they continually bashed because they are both stupid and evil.