Evershin's Replies

So this was a story about a fictional character living a fictional adventure along side a non fictional character. The story is not real. It is art and is for art's sake. It's not for cherry pickers like yourself to decide what the rest of us can and cannot watch. So the movie was not to your liking. So move on. For many of us it was excellent. The past was also female, Queen Victoria and the British conquest. Margarette Thatcher and the damage she did. Madeline Albright and her saying deaths of innocent civilians was "worth it". Don't think women are any better just because of their genders. It would definitely be interesting to have a movie about her including her spiritual and political interests. (btw feminism is a type of rebellion against the status quo just like anarchism is) Indiana Jones was a "historical" movie based around before WWII but most of it was fictional just like Aeronauts is. Yes it is a breath of fresh air. A movie with a good story has finally surfaced above the cacophony of violence and crash bang movies. It seems like you're offended. And because it is not "historically correct" (yet it is - there were black nobelmen dating back to Shakespeare's time and Indians of British birth at the time) you've taken offense and believe the disadvantage is to the snowflakes in our society that believe everything should be white bread all the time, therefor politically correct. It offends your fragile sensitivities. How much was Indiana Jones historically accurate? So yes indeed, you're the other sensitive little boy on the board. Run along and comment on the transformers board. How much was Indiana Jones fictional vs historical? Give me a freaking break and stop being delusional. It's hipsters like yourself is the reason everything sucks today. This movie was excellent. They said it was BASED on a true story. How many movies are accurate anyway? However, if they want to do true stories about amazing women there are always Alexandra David Neil who traveled around Asia on foot or Fiona Kolbinger who recently won a transcontinental bike race in a field full of men. Clearly you don't. He thinks it is not politically correct to have Indians or Blacks in London wearing gentleman's outfits. There for he thinks he is standing up for that "truth" as some kind of social justice despite being wrong. So clearly we have another sensitive little boy on the board. Agreed, was an awesome movie. Bring back the historical adventure films. Tired of the films that are the Wars of Everything! all the time. Democratic socialism is the Freedom that makes Europe so free and so wealthy. Trax-3 said: "Jesus, who dumb can you be?" [sic] Gotta love the irony of someone calling someone else dumb and then misspelling "how". @ Trax-3 you basically said what the OP said but then interjected your opinion that it is normal and ok. It is not normal nor ok. There is no such thing as a malaria trial since malaria is not a drug. There are of course illegal and deadly drug trials that are administered in unwitting populations and that is not only not ok, it is criminal. Grow some morality for once and yes it is a developed world issue (get with the program already, phrases like "third world" haven't been used since the end of the Soviet Union. It is because it is entities from developed countries testing it on developing countries. See below: The U.S. Government Secretly Tested Weapons on US Citizens. historycollection.co/u-s-government-secretly-tested-weapons-citizens-st-louis/ He lives in a modest house and is going to save our country from the fascists. Make America Proud Again! Here comes Bernie! 2020! Wait a second. Why would you dislike ANYONE for being a SJW? You mean social justice right? YET ANOTHER label from the internet geeks because bad people can only come up with new ways to insult those trying to stop them. So you disliked Gandhi, and just about all the veterans of WWII too? Do you dislike police and judges too? Do you dislike the founding fathers who stood up for our social justice to be free from the British? What is the matter with the minds of your generation anyway? You need to get your priorities straight and maybe dislike terrorists, criminals and the bankers that will keep you enslaved for the rest of your life, not the people who are trying to make life on this planet just a little bit better.