ReelReviews14's Replies

But the companion's boyfriends have been black 80% of the time on NuWho, for some bizarre reason that makes no logical sense. >>>> But they haven't fundamentally altered the character, they just made him gay. In every way that has any impact on the story, he's the same Sulu as ever. <<< But they have. John Cho's Sulu has nothing in common with George Takei's Sulu aside from the fact they are both asian males. Cho doesn't look, sound, or act anything like Takei did in the 1960s series. I had complaints about the "rebooted" Sulu from the start, long before they made him "gay". It is simply not believable that a 40 year old Korean actor from Harold & Kumar is playing a "younger" version of Takei's character from the original Star Trek. Forget about replacing the characters, what the X-Men cinematic universe really needs is a new film crew. Namely, Bryan Singer, Simon Kinberg, John Ottman, Newton Thomas Sigel, etc. need to sit out the next one (with their only possible involvement being in some kind of ceremonial "executive producer" role). Don't get me wrong, I loved X-Men DOFP and I thought X-Men: Apocalypse was decent and didn't deserve the hate it gets, but the "main" X-Men movies are getting stale and tired at this point and being outshined by spinoff movies like Deadpool and Logan. It was important to get Singer & Ottman back for DOFP as they had to tie the new cast into the original trilogy, but they weren't needed for Apocalypse and it showed. Matthew Vaughn's vision for X-Men: First Class really breathed new life into the franchise. That needs to be what happens with X-Men 7. It needs to be presented in a way that is fresh and bold compared to the previous six movies. We don't need Simon Kinberg doing "Dark Phoenix" again. I have no problem bringing back some of the old cast/characters (Jean Grey, Mystique, Storm, Moira, Psylocke being the ones you mentioned) AS LONG AS the film's execution is innovation and is done in a way to be the start a new, third trilogy of X-Men films. To do that, they need filmmakers who will look the X-Men cinematic universe with new eyes. Bring back Michael Keaton to play a retired Bruce Wayne in a live action Batman Beyond movie. It would be EPIC! >>> This thing has been a straight up fail from the start. And why the DC fans continually gobble this sh*t up without demanding better is beyond me. <<<< BINGO. You nailed it! The ONLY way to save the "DCEU" is to fire everyone involved in that abomination and start over again from scratch. Disney doesn't need to be in charge of it, as long as the current crew is kept as far away from DC adaptations as possible. And YES that includes Nolan. He may have done a great job with Batman a decade ago, but he helped birth the "DCEU" and hired most of the people responsible for that garbage. Eh, this looks better than the 3 hour 2005 remake where Kong went ice skating.