MovieChat Forums > Star Trek Beyond (2016) Discussion > So much fuss over 10 seconds? Surely it'...

So much fuss over 10 seconds? Surely it's a joke?

After reading for weeks how everybody were going nuts about Sulu being gay, finally got to watch the movie, and "the scene" is like 10 seconds, he briefly hugs some guy and that's it, that's the big shock?

Haha, I still can't believe so many went blue in the face and are still discussing it to death, I mean you could easily miss the whole scene if you opened your coke or took some popcorn at the wrong time, I pretty much missed it myself and had to rewind to see what was going on. First world problems all the way.


I think the irritation is more about Hollywood's incessant need to wedge these patronizing little social acceptance things into their films that add nothing to the movie and are most often publicity grabs.



Star Trek Canon is more of what you'd call guidelines then actual rules!


It's not about the amount of screen time it got. It's about the filmmakers fundamentally altering a character who, in 50 years of Star Trek, was never gay. Even George Takei literally pleaded with them to not change his character, and he was disappointed when they did it anyway.


I had the same feeling. While I think that it is a great thing to annoy homophobe morons, this just showed a certain insensibility to the original material.
Also they lack recurring new characters beside Scotty's assistant. Why couldn't they come up with a real character with some importance in a future episode. That would have been a much more daring move and would also have helped a franchise which is on the brink of drying out again.


But they haven't fundamentally altered the character, they just made him gay. In every way that has any impact on the story, he's the same Sulu as ever.


Would you say the same thing if they would have taken a well known homosexual character and made him hetro in the remake?

This comment was typed in front of a live studio audience.


If his sexuality has absolutely no significance to the character or plot then yes, sure. Why not?


Because it would be considered "homophobic" and you would get the whole SJW crowd after you.

This comment was typed in front of a live studio audience.


No, it wouldn't. What's SJW anyway?


But they haven't fundamentally altered the character, they just made him gay. In every way that has any impact on the story, he's the same Sulu as ever.

But they have. John Cho's Sulu has nothing in common with George Takei's Sulu aside from the fact they are both asian males. Cho doesn't look, sound, or act anything like Takei did in the 1960s series. I had complaints about the "rebooted" Sulu from the start, long before they made him "gay". It is simply not believable that a 40 year old Korean actor from Harold & Kumar is playing a "younger" version of Takei's character from the original Star Trek.


Like everything else in the new Trek reboot movies, it feels like something added by someone who has never really watched any Star Trek, just has heard about it and know all the pop culture gags and "memes".

The first movie was practically a checklist of "things non Trek fans thinks Star Trek is": Kirk sleeps with green women, Chekov is a comedy Russian, Sulu has sword fights, the previous captain was in a wheelchair, Kirk cheated on that academy test, Kirk fistfights a lot, McCoy is grumpy and argues with Spock, guys in red uniforms die, etc.

The second film was a poor man's copy of Wrath of Khan, with Tribbles thrown in.

Beyond had only a few cliches left, but of course another big Trek "joke" is George being gay (i.e. silly "oh my" jokes from various lowbrow comedies), so it gets referenced here along with a line about Kirk (Shatner) and hair. Even though these are things about the actors and nothing to do with Trek!

I actually had no idea it was even a gay reference however until I heard about George's opposition to it (totally agree with him that it would have been much better adding a new gay character)... until then, I actually just assumed that was a brother or cousin or relation of Sulu's and the girl was his! If they wanted to make them a gay couple with an adopted kid or something, maybe more that that was needed? Unless the implication was that any two guys who hug must be gay lovers?!

It does raise the interesting point that if reboot Sulu is gay and original Sulu wasn't, it was a choice he made in the reboot universe he never did in the original Prime one, effectively saying gay people aren't "born that way".


It does raise the interesting point that if reboot Sulu is gay and original Sulu wasn't, it was a choice he made in the reboot universe he never did in the original Prime one, effectively saying gay people aren't "born that way".

DAMN...if only someone publicly said that. Wonder what Quinto and Pine woyld say then...


It was a unnecessary "homage", uncalled-for to say the least. This whole thing about minorities, PC, etc Most of the publicity moves are just superfulous and predictable. We don't need to forcely accept these things, that's the issue. Also, if there's people who don't accept minorities, that's fine as well. People are entitled to live as they wish, nobody needs to forcibly accept or hate anything.


Even George Takei disagreed with it. Its just put in to be PC.


Even George Takei disagreed with it. Its just put in to be PC.

George Takei was offended by the scene.. they tried to make him like it and said it was a homage to him but he was having none of it lol


Even George Takei disagreed with it. Its just put in to be PC.



I agree with you, but gay characters are like strong female characters in that they generate a lot of angry posts on the Internet. It's like clockwork.


Well, it was a bit of a setup. Because they show Sulu looking at the picture of his daughter, and, like a true trek nerd, I said to myself, "Well, I wonder what George Takei thought of the move to give Sulu a wife and kids". Then we see him walk off with his husband, and it's like, ah ha, I see what you did there. I thought it was a neat little bait and switch of screen-writing, but that's the kind of thing that gets people running to social media... and that, in turn, attracts all the haters to social media.


I agree, that Alibaba logo ruined the entire thing for me.

"People get it wrong, but in today's world we don't live longer, we just die harder." -Bruce Willis
