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TMC-4's Replies

[url]![/url] [quote]It's not that Joss is an asshole. He's a misogynistic asshole who built his reputation and his career on being a feminist concerned with women's needs, fears, and challenges. Firing an actress for being pregnant, calling any actress over a size 00 fat (reports are he bullied Amber Benson, then a size 6, for her weight as well), AND cheating on your wife by sleeping with actresses in your employ [b]is the very opposite of female-friendly behavior[/b]. He's getting canceled not just for being an asshole but for being a liar and a hypocrite. —Anonymous reply 42 Last Thursday at 10:55 AM[/quote] [url][/url] [quote]But beyond a turn in the big studio film Hulk and a few other studio films, she never hit the A-list. And a lot of that is by choice. She decided to take on more challenging and darker roles because that’s what appealed to her most. And because of those choices, Hollywood knew not to put her on shortlists for major roles in major studio movies. When she started having a family with Paul Bettany, she had even less desire to be cast in major roles. She still takes some now and then (she’ll be in the upcoming Top Gun: Maverick), but she prefers to spend most of her time being a loving and dedicated mother and wife. That said, she is and always will be a sought-after actress for major roles. She’s just never been one of those A-list actresses. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It’s partly by choice, and partly as a result of the choices she’s made in her career. She’s one of the most underrated actresses out there.[/quote] [url][/url] Proof she has smoked (or quit) "in real life" • "the actress deflects queries with an exhalation of cigarette smoke...'I'd like to stop smoking,'", Entertainment Weekly, Jul. 12, '91 • Arnold Schwarzenegger: "She's the only chainsmoker I know who says at noon that she's going to quit smoking, and walks around with a cigarette five minutes later, ha ha...!", Hitkrant (Netherlands), '91 • "stubs out a cigarette", TV Guide, Jul. 29-Aug. 4, '95 • "in this smoky hotel room (she's just stubbed out a Marlboro Lite)", where?, Feb. '97 • "wondering if it was OK to light up a cigarette", Contra Costa Times, Aug. 14, '97 • "still works out, smokes and loves ice-cream", Scottish Daily Record (UK), Jul. 26, '03 • "The actress Linda Hamilton and the actor Michael Rooker ate at Commander's Palace in New Orleans the other day. A spy reports that they looked like they were 'together together'. They shared a bread pudding for desert and then a smoke in the bar", New Orleans Times-Picayune, Aug. 28, '04 • "smokes cigarettes and loves icecream [sic]", website biography, when? • "Linda is a big football fan (SF 49ers), still works out, smokes cigarettes and loves ice cream", Linda Hamilton official web site, when? Why has Linda Hamilton aged so poorly? Why didn’t her acting fully take off after Terminator 2? [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [quote]At this point, I started re-contextualizing all the times I had given Whedon a pass on something because I had been assured that he was, in his own words, a “woke bae”. The most glaring was the dismissal of Charisma Carpenter from Angel in 2003. Even when we were watching the show, something about the handling of Carpenter’s exit seemed off. The actress was pregnant in real life and her pregnancy was written into the show. But after she gave birth, her character slipped into a coma and her fate was left frustratingly vague. Eventually it was announced that Carpenter was no longer part of the cast because her story was complete. But it was anything but. The next season, Carpenter returned for a single-episode guest appearance that tied up her character’s loose ends. Her single request was that she wouldn’t be killed off. Of course she was. But it was done in such a way as to not tip off the actress that she was filming her final scenes in the Buffy universe. Her death occurred off camera. Rumors had swirled for years that Carpenter’s dismissal was revenge for getting pregnant without Whedon’s express approval. The actress hinted at this while defending Whedon and saying she would work with him again. Of course she did! Her career suffered greatly post-Whedon.[/quote] [url][/url] [quote]Years later, the script started circulating on-line. Many who read it felt that Whedon’s take on Wonder Woman was all wrong. The writer leaned in to the male gaze with Steve Trevor as a point-of-view character. Steve spent much of the movie man-splaining things to Diana. One particularly galling scene depicted Wonder Woman doing a sexy dance. There’s another scene in which Steve sits on the Lasso of Truth and professes his complicated feelings for Diana. He calls her “dangerous” and says she is “looking for trouble” and “wildly adept at finding it”. Steve tells Wonder Woman that she has “delusions of grandeur” before confessing “I keep hoping you’ll turn around so I can see more of you naked.” If that exchange sounds familiar, it’s because Whedon liked it well enough to incorporate it into his version of Justice League years later. At the time, I was skeptical. How bad could the script really be? Joss Whedon was a well-known feminist. And advocate and an ally. Surely his Wonder Woman script couldn’t be as offensive as people were saying. I am sorry to anyone I argued with back in 2017. I have read some of the script now and it is truly awful. Towards the end, Wonder Woman is bound in chains and forced to submit to the will of the villain in order to save Steve’s life. This is immediately following Steve telling Diana that “she’s not a hero” but a “fucking tourist”. Once she has submitted to the villain twice, Whedon wrote that “Diana looks at herself, at her chains, at her torn and tawdry outfit.” Gross. Oh, did I mention she was on her knees this whole time? It just goes on like that. I am not even touching on the racist stereotypes. If you want to read it, you can do so here. By the time the Wonder Woman script hit the web, there were already some cracks in Whedon’s façade. His career hit new heights when he wrote and directed Marvel’s record-breaking Avengers movie.[/quote] Why is Queen Latifah miscast as 'The Equalizer’? [url][/url] [url][/url] [b]131. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 02/13 **1**[/b] [url][/url] Reader Blind: The death of this character actor a number of decades ago always seemed suspicious. Why would he engage in that activity (swimming) when he was wearing a cast for one thing. The actor (Joe Flynn) was in both film and TV primarily in comedies where he usually played a blowhard or other ineffectual manager/boss. His most famous role was in a popular TV series ("McHale's Navy") that also starred an Academy Award winner (Ernest Borgnine). There are two competing theories as to who might be responsible for his death.... 1.) The actor had been blackmailed in the years before his death. He was married and had a family but also liked having sex with men. He frequented a nightclub where other gay TV actors hung out most notably these two camp comic actors who were on two different game shows. However, the blackmail ring which targeted other stars had already been closed down by the cops before his death so their role seems unlikely. 2.) The actor had led a group of other actors publicly in complaining about certain financial matters. Right before he died, he had said in an interview he had shocking information to share which he never got a chance to. A source had given him info that showed just how deeply involved in Hollywood organized crime was. Several of the major studios at the time were just fronts for money laundering and other illegal activities. Most likely this was the reason the actor was murdered. [i]Joe Flynn/"McHales’ Navy"/Ernest Borgnine (Joe Flynn later career and death) (The Mysterious Death of Actor Joe Flynn at 49 and How Johnny Carson Caught Extortionists in a Daring FBI Plan)[/i] [b]WTF Happened to MICKEY ROURKE?[/b] [url][/url] [quote]WTF Happened To This Celebrity? – The JoBlo series that examines the careers of stars and filmmakers who may have fallen out of the spotlight, and tells where they are now! Not many actors have a rollercoaster career quite like Mickey Rourke, a boxer who caught the acting bug in his 20s. Over several decades, Rourke filled his time with acclaimed performances like BARFLY and THE WRESTLER, notorious behavior, forgettable direct-to-video movies, returns to the boxing ring, a Marvel Cinematic Universe appearance, and ongoing physical transformation. Strap on the gloves and find out “WTF Happened to Mickey Rourke!”[/quote] I remember at the Oscars, Whoopi Goldberg, who was hosting paid tribute to Gene Siskel by giving a thumbs up in the air. [url]ttps://[/url] Here are the problems for Dobbs: 1. He is being sued by at least one of the major voting machine companies 2. He is being sued by at least one of the major voting machine companies 3. Dobbs is 75 4. He’s damaged goods 5. He has too much “Trump exposure” [url][/url] [quote]Question: Why was there never a direct sequel to the hit John Candy comedy "Who's Harry Crumb?" (1989) despite the film's tremendous critical and box-office success? Not sure where you are getting your numbers from questioner, but Harry Crumb woefully underperformed at the box office. It’s budget was roughly $7 million and it grossed less than $11 million USD. It was supposed to be John Candy’s biggest film of 1989; however it was beaten (quite handily, I might add) by the release of Uncle Buck later that year. It was also supposed to be another attempt to make Shawnee Smith a star following the box office bomb that was the updated version of The Blob. Unfortunately for Smith, it took nearly a decade and some breast augmentation before she was finally able to score what remains her biggest successes so far: The CBS sitcom Becker and the Saw franchise of films. Finally, John Candy’s star was rising in Hollywood in brief period of time preceding his premature death from a heart attack in 1993. It was unlikely that he was going to return to an underperforming film franchise, assuming that a sequel could have even been produced.[/quote] What went wrong with the Ghostbusters relaunch with Melissa McCarthy? [url][/url] *It wasn’t the movie the fans wanted or had been waiting for years to happen *They actually attacked the fan base in response *It’s just a bad film that was very expensive to make I just read on Quora that Val apparently, abused hard drugs (the white stuff let's just say). This is why sometime before his cancer ordeal, he put drastically put on weight: [url][/url] I don't know if it's true that Val Kilmer was using cocaine, that could also shed some light on his difficult on-set behavior. Does anybody else now believe that Joss Whedon had a hand in sabotaging Sarah Michelle Gellar's film career? [url][/url] Cherie Johnson's Punky Brewster character is gay: Jasika Nicole will play her girlfriend [url][/url] Johnson tells GLAAD her Cherie character will already be out in the Peacock reboot premiere. Fringe and The Good Doctor alum Nicole will play Cherie's love interest. “This is the first queer role I have played on network television,” Nicole tells GLAAD, “so this this a really big deal for me! I do think there is something really specifically special and important about seeing Black love depicted on television.” [url][/url] [b]82. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 02/08 **8**[/b] [url][/url] Reader Blind - Old Hollywood: This permanent A list actor became the father to an 11 pound boy, who was his first and only son, and announced to the world that he "had his linebacker." The boy, who later became an actor himself, grew up to be a string bean, and the father never forgave him for that. The father was also very thin, but was extremely cruel to the boy growing up because he was thin too. [i]Henry Fonda/Peter Fonda[/i] [url][/url] [quote]Veteran actor Stephen Collins, best known as a minister in the longtime popular TV series, “Seventh Heaven”. Ironically, his career was already at a point where he was practically in retirement, when the allegations of 3 instances of inappropriate sexual conduct with minors surfaced in 2014 after his ex-wife revealed recordings of Collins having confessed to his acts during a marriage therapy session. Such revealed acts, combined with the hypocrisy of an actor having played a servant of God, with the credibility of his character’s integrity being key, virtually ended his remaining career overnight, & forever tainted the cache of a very popular show that like “The Cosby Show”, will never again profit from syndication, meaning years of residuals that all of the other actors & everyone else involved with the show, like his co-stars Catherine Hicks & Jessica Biel stood to benefit from, are now out the window as an unfair loss by association. This domino effect of losses from Collins past behavior (including the pain his ex-wife clearly had to endure), makes it particularly unforgivable.[/quote] [url][/url] [url][/url] #EdwardScissorhands director Tim Burton on Timothee Chalamet’s Edgar Scissorhands commercial: “It’s rare when a work you’re proud of continues to live on and evolve with the times, even after 30 years.” First Details on Paramount’s ‘iCarly’ Revival (EXCLUSIVE) [url][/url]