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TMC-4's Replies

Chris Harrison stepping away temporarily won't fix The Bachelor franchise's racism woes: [url][/url] "Unlike (Survivor's) Jeff Probst, Chris Harrison is not actually responsible for the contents of the shows he hosts," says Andy Dehnart. "But even more than Probst and hosts of other shows, he’s constantly defending it. Whether he’s a self-appointed guardian or has been assigned the role of protector by Warner Bros. and ABC, he has taken on that role. Firing him will not solve the show’s problems—and just replacing him as host for a reunion is the equivalent of doing nothing. It makes headlines, but results in no real change." The Simpsons joke about Steve Guttenberg at this point, is just as inevitable as making Ace Ventura jokes about why Dan Marino never won a Super Bowl. I don't know how truthful this is, but Steve Guttenberg supposedly, doesn't appreciate the blog article that asked about "what the hell happened" to him? [quote][url][/url] Many, many years ago, someone claiming to be friends with Steve Guttenberg emailed me. She said Steve was upset because he went in for an audition and the casting director told him that the second Google result for his name was “What the Hell Happened to Steve Guttenberg.” She said “the Gute” would be willing to fly me out to Hollywood for a movie premiere if I would take the article down. Crazy stuff.[/quote] David Fincher Says Sacha Baron Cohen Looked ‘Spectacular’ as Freddie Mercury in Unmade Biopic [url][/url] I think that Drew Barrymore (Steven Spielberg's goddaughter) had more to do with having the guns removed. Around the time that she made Charlie's Angels, she for whatever the reasons, became a big anti-gun crusader. [url][/url] Also, how do you explain Steven Spielberg digitally removing the guns from the federal agents in the 2002 special edition if you didn't want to "sugar coat" things to children? [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] [url][/url] Don't give me the "what about" Hansel and Gretel, what about Snow White, because I didn't come here to talk about them, I'm talking specifically and directly about Steven Spielberg. When you use "whataboutism", then you're pretty much deflecting and making excuses. And you saying that it's a shame that I am not able to grasp at that simple fact is code for you saying that I'm too dumb and ignorant to not be in tune with certain things about life. You can't compare what's in written text like fairy tales from hundreds and hundreds of years ago and what's visual like more modernize motion pictures. Did you actually read the article first before making your comment!? Why do you assume that just because I post it here, that must automatically mean that I right way believe 100% of it!? It's up to you to make up your own mind to whether or not it's truly "utter nonsense" as well as being "disrespectful"? Again, just because I posted it here, doesn't mean that I wrote it or that people elsewhere aren't going to read it. Joe Quinones has recently shared some of his early character designs for Batman '89. [url][/url] [url][/url] Evidently, there's also was/is going to be a Batman Beyond inspired Jokerz in this continuation to the Burtonverse. [url][/url] The Rock (1996) Review | Sean Connery's Last Great Action Role? [url][/url] I didn't write that in the first place, so don't blame the messenger. And even if I didn't post it here, somebody is going to inevitably read it anyway! And whenever I approach a "blind item", I always keep in mind first and foremost, to "take it with a grain of salt". [url][/url] [quote]Beyond minor roles in features which are focused at religious fundamentalist audiences or some softcore pornography, Carano days as an in-demand actor are now behind her.[/quote] Vanessa Bell Calloway believes her skin tone affected ‘Coming to America’ casting [url][/url] [quote] Calloway — who played the role of Imani Izzi in 1988’s “Coming to America,” the beautiful woman originally meant to marry Eddie Murphy’s Prince Akeem — says she originally auditioned for the lead female role of Lisa, played by Shari Headley, and believes her complexion played a role in not getting the part. “When you have white people hiring black people in movies, sometimes a certain look is wanted,” Calloway, 67, tells Page Six. Calloway got the impression that the film’s team “wanted a light-skinned girl. I just wasn’t light enough, even though Eddie had the final say on who played Lisa.” She continued, “That’s something that we’ve always dealt with within our race: A lot of men were indoctrinated by having a white woman or light-skinned woman on their arm.” “The real deal is, when you’re in a situation like that, you wanna be a part of an Eddie Murphy movie. I wasn’t gonna say no! I would’ve loved to have had the lead part, but I was very happy to be in the movie. I can’t lie about that. I said, ‘I’ll make the best out of this and I’ll be the best.’ It was a smaller role but it was a glamorous part to play. And Shari did a great job.”[/quote] [url][/url] [url][/url] [b]165. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 02/16 **11**[/b] [url][/url] The Curse: This sci fi show ("Babylon 5") seems to have created a curse. That is what fans of the show believe. It is not necessarily what those closest to the situation believe. There is one offspring of an actor victim of the "curse" who has an entirely different theory. The offspring thinks there is no "curse." The offspring's theory is that the series creator (J. Michael Straczynski) has been systematically killing off a cast member (Richard Biggs/44/aortic dissection) (Stephen Furst/63/diabetes) (Andreas Katsulas/59/lung cancer) (Jerry Doyle/59/natural causes) (Jeff Conaway/60/drug overdose) every few years. He considers the show to have been his life's work, and as such wants to garner attention for it in the hopes of getting a reboot with a brand new, younger cast and updated special effects. You may have noticed how he releases a lengthy, heartfelt statement almost immediately after a cast member passes (and often is the one to break the news in the first place). He wants to appear to be a "patriarch" of the cast members, when it's actually not that at all. They live in a state of fear. Prior to the death of this actress (Mira Furlan/65/West Nile Virus), the offspring thought perhaps he was singling out only male members of the cast. [i]"Babylon 5"/J. Michael Straczynski/Richard Biggs/Stephen Furst/Andreas Katsulas/Jerry Doyle/Jeff Conaway/Mira Furlan (Is There a 'Babylon 5' Curse? Several Cast Members Have Died Unexpectedly)[/i] [b]What is an unforgivable action that can finish a celebrity’s career?[/b] [url][/url] [quote]Racism/antisemitism - With the possible exception of Mel Gibson (whose career was heavily damaged by his remarks) all major celebrity and many minor ones can count on their career coming to an end if they make racist or anti-Semitic remarks in the media. Not making money in leading film roles - Hollywood is a money business so if you don’t make money, you may find yourself out of that business. There are a number of actors who were popular in the 1970s and 1980s who cannot steal a role today because they were unable to earn profits with their projects. Angering the wrong person - There are several dozen people in Hollywood who it would be unwise to cross. If you decide that you do wish to “tangle” with them, you should be prepared to come out on the losing end.[/quote] A look back at the failed Eddie Murphy-produced ‘Coming to America’ sitcom [url][/url] [url][/url] [quote]Enter Ben Shapiro. For reasons that seem to be a continuation of her extremely poor judgment, Carano decided that attempting to repair the career damage caused by her stupidity was too difficult and so she would now revitalize things by developing a vehicle with an untried individual during a pandemic after being fired by the most powerful player in Hollywood. If that sounds like terrible idea, it’s because it is. Carano needs to go in another direction, but she doesn’t seem to realize that for herself. At best, the Carano/Shapiro pairing will be a minor hit, and Carano can eke out a living in direct-to video and streaming projects for the remainder of her life. At worst, Disney will put out the word that working with Carano means that you can’t work with them. That will result in her becoming an even greater pariah than she is now and it will end her viability as a performer in English language productions filmed and financed in North America., Again, I noted from the beginning: Who cares?[/quote] [url][/url] [quote]Gina Carano was never major star. For multiple reasons (looks, acting skills, her inability to give useful interviews, etc.) she was never more than a minor character actor in the Hollywood universe. In the past two years she’s been dismantling her career by refusing to keep what she had to have been told were controversial and unwelcome opinions to herself. She was already on a downward slide prior to her claiming that anything that had to do with her was the equivalent of the Holocaust; now she essentially finished as a viable actor in major Hollywood productions. Gina Carano was not a major star, she wasn’t successful in character roles, and now she’s eliminated product pitching as a source of income in her future. Teaming with Shapiro will do nothing to make her appear to be contrite about her antisemitic remarks and she’s going into her 40’s with her career in flux and not being able to work for her industry’s largest concern ever again. Worst of all, she’s going to be forgotten by the general public within months as other matters will take precedent over her and her “abilities”. Gina Carano is finished.[/quote] You called!? [url][/url]