MovieChat Forums > Film General > What actors and actresses do you suspect...

What actors and actresses do you suspect have been blackballed by the industry?

We know that people like Weinstein and these producers use the power to deny others jobs, but any rumor I hear about this stuff always comes from tabloid gossip stuff where you never know it’s real.

So what are some examples you think of people getting blackballed by Hollywood?


I've always thought this happened to Eliza Dushku. She was huge and then she was nowhere, and now you'll see her here and there, but not in a substantial role.


i know someone in Hollywood that should be blacklisted or blackballed due to wild fueds etc is that Werner guy that showed up in first season of Mandalorian.

That Werner had a personal feud fight that went on during some movie he did with someone decades ago. A gun was involved too.


What is an unforgivable action that can finish a celebrity’s career?

Racism/antisemitism - With the possible exception of Mel Gibson (whose career was heavily damaged by his remarks) all major celebrity and many minor ones can count on their career coming to an end if they make racist or anti-Semitic remarks in the media.

Not making money in leading film roles - Hollywood is a money business so if you don’t make money, you may find yourself out of that business. There are a number of actors who were popular in the 1970s and 1980s who cannot steal a role today because they were unable to earn profits with their projects.

Angering the wrong person - There are several dozen people in Hollywood who it would be unwise to cross. If you decide that you do wish to “tangle” with them, you should be prepared to come out on the losing end.
