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Why Chris Tucker 'Disappeared' From Hollywood - Here's Why

Chris Tucker would ultimately come out of nowhere and dominate the late 90's. The comedy legend has since remained quiet in recent years and we examine the reasons why.



Reader Blind: You probably forgot about him- *that was the goal. But, you do know of him. This comedic actor was no less than A++ (Chris Tucker) for what one could sum up.. a good decade. He was in some of the most quotable movies -if you watched any of his sleeper hits; others, international box office, blockbuster gold, you laughed. And you may have forgotten about him until maybe one of those silly movies appeared on your tv. And you can’t help but think, "hmm, he was really funny...whatever happened to him?" Well, he’s popped up briefly and *nervously? or, just a bit "different"/ bloated? and *less funny? from time to time, in press or shows - but never in too big of a way. (Filmography) Some say he disappeared because he had a bad agent, others claim he had a scoundrel accountant who robbed him blind and gave him major tax issues. Many say he was hooked on drugs, couldn’t handle fame, gave too much money away to family, etc. etc. But, on occasion, he’s even claimed he found, *"religion". Well, if he ever wanted to make his potential in box office owed-money back, he should write a religious book or do a tell all interview about one, particularly infamous, wild, and crazy flight/trip he took to another country and suddenly found, his "religion". (Or even a tell all about a belated eccentric/creepy A+++ friend he was acquainted with, could be pretty interesting, too.) But, there was a brief, yet *now somewhat famous/infamous trip where some extremely A+++ celebrities/ powers who were in attendance and misbehaving. So he saw much too much, then, knew too much, and there are claims he actually thought he witnessed "THE Devil". Soon after this *trip, his life and career changed drastically. He was "influenced" upon returning home. His Hollywood deals, canceled.


I can't help but think about Jeffrey Epstein and his Lolita Express when they talk about the (in)famous trip.


He did the kick thing


Ice Cube
We were ready to pay Chris Tucker $10-12m to do Next Friday but he turned us down for religious reasons. He didn’t want to cuss or smoke weed on camera anymore.


According to news reports he made between $50–65 million USD in less than a decade and decided to live off the principal for a few years. That “few years” turned into nearly a decade and in the interim Tucker got divorced and remarried, costing him a sizable amount of wealth.

What really seems to have halted his career were the series of financial problems that he’s undergone for more than a decade. Apparently, Tucker not only ran through most of his fortune, he also failed to pay state and federal taxes on his earnings. While it appeared that Tucker had come to a settlement with the Internal Revenue Service and at least one state, according to news reports from November and December of 2021 (See below) Tucker is being accused of not paying at least $9 million USD in federal taxes and fines.

Unfortunately for Tucker, his extended hiatus from Hollywood allowed performers like Kevin Hart to fill in his niche and with his financial issues, Tucker would have to either demand higher levels of compensation (which he can no longer justify) or he would have to work far more often a la Nicolas Cage. Tucker will be 52 in 2022 and with his biggest projects 15–20 years in the past, it seems unlikely that he’ll ever return to his earlier position in the industry.

So while Chris Tucker may have wanted to take an extended break in the past, at this point given his recent lack of success and his myriad financial issues, it’s unlikely that he’ll ever return to the success he experienced in the late 1990s and early 2000s.


The reason is because he sucks.


90. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 07/08 **#11**

This actor used to be A list. Actually, if you include his franchise, which is all he really did, he was probably A+ list. Movies. On top of the world. Started spending money and doing drugs like crazy. He blew millions of dollars on women and booze and drugs and ended up having a stroke. A bad one. Drug related. The story has always been that he just didn't want to act any longer. Nope. He couldn't. He couldn't remember lines and he had a speech issue and he had trouble with his physical movements. When he was all set to make a comeback in another installment of his franchise he did physical therapy for almost a year before they started shooting, but it just wasn't quite the same. He looked ok, but his timing was off and he couldn't do the same things he did before. He did get a huge paycheck though. Monstrous and blew a lot of it on drugs again and had another stroke. This time he vowed to never use drugs again and is slowly regaining his old form. He has a new woman in his life who also is his sober coach. Our actor is still really young, so hopefully he can get it all together and be back on top like he used to be. Chris Tucker "Rush Hour 4 (announced) (rumored)"
