Prelude's Replies

Plus eggs are really damaging to the paint on cars -- the sulphur content attacks the paint. It won't be just cleanup, it might be some expensive repainting. Yeah, I have to say, I found that scene a little bit. . . .[i]eyebrow raising[/i]. It was kind of disrespectful. And I don't think any of the other visitors would stand there and break into loud clapping -- again, disrespectful. Even at the finale, I had a feeling they all already knew this would happen or that it was somehow already planned. Even Ryan seemed like he knew something was up someone's sleeve. I loved AI and was a viewer from the very start to the very end, even though I did not enjoy the last few seasons as much as the first. But personally, I don't really want it to come back. It had its time. They'll probably also bring it back completely changed, and I wouldn't be interested in that. If it comes back at all I'd like the same format, same everything, Ryan, the them music, but maybe just better judges, or previous contestants as judges. Kelly Clarkson was good in her guest judge week, she'd be great. It's basically the same deal as The Babadook, [spoiler] where it's a psychological issue that creates an illusion of a supernatural antagonist.[/spoiler] That being the case, I'm still not sure, though, why [spoiler] the dad's issues got transferred to the daughter when she has no knowledge of the situation from the past concerning her dad's father. [/spoiler] Great work, Jim! I'm loving this site and I'm thankful you've given us a place to come to and the IMDb archives back again. We are not worthy! :) Speaking as someone who has never found Chris Sarandon OR Colin Farrell sexy (neither of them are my type and Chris is kind of repulsive to me) I have to say I none the less prefer Colin in this. I prefer this remake to the original and I would rather see Colin than Chris -- I think Colin did a great job being a menacing, sexy vampire, and that's a lot coming from someone who doesn't "like him that way" lol. People are fiercely loyal to the original out of 80s nostalgia, but honestly I've always felt it was overrated, and so are the 80s, lol. I enjoyed this WAY more! I believe it was actually dusk/early evening on a cloudy day. Still light but no sun. It's the worst crap I've seen in a long time, and I'm usually quite easily pleased in my movie tastes. I'll watch almost anything, but I just now turned this off about 22 minutes in. I couldn't take another silly Matrix-wannabe fight scene. Avoid this movie at all costs. The movie is set in 1998; everyone still had VHS/VCRs back then. Yes, I agree with this. It's never been a practical idea, it would be complete chaos. It's a cool dream but it would be chaotic. Yes, I feel ashamed now too for jumping to conclusions. We've all been assuming the worst and calling it a "lesson" to not go down that path, etc -- now we learn she died of cancer. Just goes to show, we shouldn't assume anything, even when it looks like something. Wait for the real information. They did. Woah -- I'd consider myself wealthy if I had 100 grand! My estimated net worth just now is approximately £600, lol. I'm sure she must have fallen on harder times than being worth 100 grand. She had been living in a trailer park. Well, that's true I guess. I know next to nothing about Erin or her life and how she lived it, except that she was on Happy Days, and that I learn from the articles about her death that her life was not going well. I don't know more than that about how she handled fame or being on Happy Days. She may not have been of Streep's talent, but now is not really the time to judge her for any failings in handling fame or such. We're all human and all of us can fail to handle things in the most ideal way. I'm just sad this was how things were for her. Very sad news. It's sad how her life-situation was in decline, and now this. I read that Henry Winkler at one time tried to help her get back on her feet. I loved Happy Days when I was a kid. They've been saying that since about 1952! [laugh] I pick one show or movie per week to have snacks to, usually something I haven't seen before or my current favorite show. I like Skittles, sweet popcorn, but lately I'm liking kettle chips and a cold Coke. Only once a week though. Obviously the conflicts are played up /set up for the show. But even with that being said, a lot of women do act like this toward each other in any group or community in which they are pushed together for some reason. I'm a woman but even I will admit, women are bitches to each other when not feeling restrained by the presence of men in the same group. With men in the balance, they rein it in more. But among themselves they tend to be the worst people they can be to each other. You see it in all-female online communities too. As for Abby, there are people in real life exactly as abusive and toxic as she is, yes. I worked for a woman who was almost a clone of Abby in every way. She was fiery and abusive in a way no boss is supposed or allowed by law to be today. It was the worst experience of my working life and she actually threatened me against filing a complaint against her.