howgamer's Replies

They eat and poop a lot, just like human kids. Because they seek attention and are rude. Same reason why they can't turn down their stereo at the gas station. It makes me very "get off my lawn", but most of the time your music sucks and it is way too loud. I haven't seen Morbuis either due to lack of interest. I will probably check this one out eventually though. Probably some time after the battle because they are getting married at the end. You wouldn't. I find RT's to be completely unreliable. Certainly not going to the theater to check it out, but will watch eventually. I thought the scene was unexpected and funny - unlike most of the movie. Thought she looked great too. Get on Moviechat and post about it for suggestions. This YIKES Yeah there were definitely some cool effects and funny parts, I laughed pretty good during the BJ scene and when blood started shooting from his ear. However, there is just no plot, substance, suspense, or development. It's just one strange thing after another, though deliberately made that way, which is fine, but I tend to not enjoy movies like this. Just watched one a few weeks ago that was similar, Naked Lunch (1991), very trippy and strange except less gore. Strange, very trippy and lots of screaming. Definitely some unique things here, but altogether it's not for me. 4/10 Yup The voice of the brain sounds like Frosty the Snowman from the old animation. Of all the voices they could have used. We've hit softcore porn, the poor actress lol. Best scene of the movie so far though, very funny! Not a fan either. The director was the writer too and I believe you are 100% correct. There is no plot, just weird stuff for the sake of being weird. The brain kind of reminds me of Meatball from aqua team with those silly eyes and smile. Looks like it This movie just took a very very strange turn. LOL. I'm not sure I am drunk enough.