EricCartmanBrah's Posts

Why is that Schweikart guy so cozy with every other lawyer now? Didn't police search warrant the entire house at the end? Who was the maid's husband sending morse codes to? Wait, were we supposed to think that Mookie did the right thing? JD's brother tells him he has to grow up The most unrealistic thing in this movie. Why doesn't Dave rescue Frank after he gets control of the ship again? At the end, why was Captain America excluded from the rule they made when they first decided to time travel? Last ever role is gonna be in a superhero movie? Why didn't Vision and Heimdall appear in the final battle? Did the recent Manbearpig episodes retroactively make the original episode and the Imaginationland trilogy worse? Why does this show acknowledge the existence of the movie Goodfellas? Is it ever stated or implied how old Eddie Brock is in this movie? In regards to the new episode: What kind of upside down world do the writers live in? What we have learned from this is Four flaws franchise wise which needs to be fixed next movie. Poor guy Is Peter Parker seriously supposed to be only 14 years old in this? San Junipero ripoff In mainstream movie history, do anyone beat this when it comes to insane 'behind the scenes' trivia?