observation on bully boys

watched it last night

do you think when the bully boys grabbed caroline and broke the eggs, she was crying because she enjoyed it and she felt guilty

maybe thats why charles grabbed her by the face and said they hand their hands on you!"

sje was scared to tell him because secretly she liked it and thats why she was crying and sai d"charles!!" when he went to go get some broken ribs

anyone else feel the same way?


I hated that jackass pacifist Alden in that one.


Oh SH** YES! Am watchin' that episode right now & I want to smack that idiot in the head with one of those tin lunch buckets. What a dick! "Turn the other cheek"--yeah, no. The whole town should have taken a lesson from the school kids (who in this episode kinda' remind me of Children of the Corn 🌽...heh heh heh...) and kicked the crap 💩 out of them and then fed their carcasses to buzzards. Screw the pacifist BS. Rev. Alden can go suck some of Carolyn's broken eggs. 🍳


do you think when the bully boys grabbed caroline and broke the eggs, she was crying because she enjoyed it and she felt guilty"

Exactly! She had to come up with some excuse to Charles because she didn't just drop her eggs in front of the Gallender brothers, she also dropped her drawers!! She liked threesomes but was scared they'd brag that they bagged her so she made up an assault just in case she got pregnant from yet another man who wasn't her husband. She was so shady!!!



you know she was dripping wet
