MovieChat Forums > Little House on the Prairie (1974) Discussion > Who is Your Favorite Character Who...

Who is Your Favorite Character Who...

...was only featured one time or, at most, a few times? This topic is meant to exclude reoccurring characters or cast members who were on regularly for a certain period. (Although if someone can't help themselves from an honorable mention like Percival Dalton AKA Isaac Cohen, I'll understand. ๎€…)

My favorite is probably Isaac Silverman, the craftsman for whom Albert apprenticed. He was hilarious and full of wisdom. Killing him off in his one and only episode was so cliche, but it was done well with Albert finishing his coffin. ๎€ต


I kind of liked Amy Stern, the old lady who let her children believe she was dead in order to get them to come home. Also some of the old folks in that episode when Harriet is trying to blackmail the town with her stock certificate. Especially the codger who killed her scheme "not just so fast!" by announcing that he had a certificate that was issued first, and was therefore entitled to be paid before her.


Julia Sanderson (Patricia Neal) from the episode, 'Remember Me.'
Unless she was on other episodes, but think that was her one and only.
Loved that episode and the character. What a remarkable woman!!


Yes, Patricia Neal was in just that episode. I wish she was in a few more. Charlie said he had been friends with her husband for years, so she could have been! Of course, the show was always doing that with characters only appearing once.


I was lambasting that episode earlier today, but I actually liked he character too. I'm blanking on that stock certificate episode, but that guy sounds great.


I liked Milos the wrestler. Very interesting character and I was sad that he died at the end. I wished they could have brought him back to Walnut Grove. He could have worked as an enforcer for the Olesons making collections from deadbeats like Charles.

I call woo woo on you,


Anna Gillberg โค


Dr Bakers girlfriend Kate.


Baker's girlfriend Kate

Toby no

Joe kagen


As far as celebrity guest stars I liked Johnny and June Carter Cash best.

I tried to think of the guest stars I only knew from one episode on this show alone, and out of those, I guess Tinker Jones? I remember thinking the guy who needed to unload the talking machine was funny.

Among the actors who reappeared on the show in bit roles or very minor recurring parts, I liked Eddie Quillan, the guy who among other things once rode on Charles' shoulders over a creek. And I always thought Jim Jeter as Hans Dorfler deserved more inclusion.


I will second Johnny Cash and June Carter--they were super! I loved the way Johnny rode into town singing in his usual baritone voice and the way he charmed that crabby old bedridden woman by singing "My Bonnie".

I also like Richard Jaekel as Mr. Hartwig in "Sylvia". Sure, he was a slime, but he slyly pulled the wool over everyone's eyes--including mine!

He who conquers himself is mightier than he who conquers a city.


My mom used to eat at the same lunch counter with Richard Jaekel in L.A. years ago, when he was starting out in Hollywood. I always think of that when I see the creepy "Thylvia" episode. ๐Ÿ˜ณ I know he's just playing a character, but it still kinda' creeps me out thinking that my mom sat next to a clown rapist for breakfast... ๐Ÿ˜


Oh! I forgot about them! I loved them too--Johnny Cash is always awesome.


I remember the Johnny Cash episode. Over the years there were a few cool veterans that made appearances in this show. I remember the baseball episode with Forrest Tucker, the episode with Jan Merlin (He played Olgaโ€™s father) and โ€œwhatever happened to the class of 56โ€ featured Jean Howell, who was quite a pretty lady back in the day. Jan Merlin and Jean Howell arenโ€™t exactly household names today, but they kept busy during the golden age. Iโ€™m sure there are many more that Iโ€™m missing.


I saw the baseball episode the other day. I also remember Forrest Tucker from F Troop, but I didn't recognize the other guest stars you mentioned.


Yeah, they were hardly household names Maleficent. I remember them because I watch a lot of old westerns, which is my favorite genre.

Wow, I just looked up Jan Merlin, and the dudeโ€™s still alive! He was in WW2 and is now 92 years old!


That's AWESOME! 92! I watched this show on tv last night---"Little Big Shots: Forever Young"--that has a bunch of senior citizens who are still performing--one lady was like, a 92-year old showgirl, one other guy was 103 and still in an acapella group, and a 70-something year old stunt man. Jon Merlin should be on it!


Iโ€™ve seen the little big shots show before, and itโ€™s pretty good. Well, Iโ€™m glad to see all the posts that youโ€™re making. Itโ€™s starting to breathe some life into the board. If we had a few more posters such as yourself, this board would be back to what it used to be in no time. Iโ€™ve seen a few of the former little house IMDB members over at IMDB2, but some of them can be a bit ornery, so Iโ€™m hesitant to invite them over ๐Ÿ˜€


Thanks! I forgot how much I love this forum--I agree it would be fantastic to have some more people posting here. I was over at Previously TV--it seems like some of the old threads aren't there, but I could be wrong. I just thought there were a lot more threads, more stuff on the Mline School and May We Bake Them Brown, etc. than I saw there tonight. I wish the Television Without Pity site was still around...

Anyway, I'm so glad to hang out here again. ๐Ÿ˜IMDB2 doesn't seem to have as much LHOTP stuff compared to here. Ever see Albert Ingalls trolling anywhere lately?! That dude is riot! ๐Ÿ˜… Wish he'd show up again... ๐Ÿ˜„ Oh well... I'm off to bed--but I'll be back. ๐Ÿ˜‰


Previously TV is pretty cool Maleficent, and itโ€™s a laid back atmosphere in many ways (they donโ€™t mind swearing for example). But theyโ€™re anal about other things such as not allowing you to create your own threads. Some of the little house podcasts are pretty good though.

Other than twitter, I have not seen Albert Ingalls unfortunately. Definitely one of the funniest trolls ever over at IMDB! Iโ€™ve thought about inviting him over, but I donโ€™t think that he and the mods here would get on too well ๐Ÿ˜€

The IMDB2 thread (no subforum there) is pretty much non-existent, but I have seen a few of the previous members over there. I actually invited one over here, but I guess he wasnโ€™t that interested.


I think I remember you saying that about not creating new threads on Previously TV...LOVE the podcasts!! I actually fell asleep last night listening to one--"Family Quarrel"--the one where Nels is fed up with Harriet and moves to the hotel across the street. ๐Ÿ˜…

LOL!! I saw Albert Ingalls' Twitter a while ago--too much! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ Bummer he's not over here, but yeah, maybe he wouldn't go over too well with the mods... ๐Ÿ˜…

Update: Just went over to check Albert's Twitter--good Lord! I forgot how funny he is. Laughing so much I'm crying...he's SO bad but SO hilarious! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


I liked when Zeus appeared and was blasting Walnut Grove with thunderbolts until Charles wrestled him to the ground and talked some good old fashioned Christian sense into him. Then he made him get all the other Olympians to pitch in and rebuild all the houses that had been demolished in his rampage, cuz they love a good house rebuildin' on LHOP!


I absolutely adore the older man in the episode when Charles and Almanzo are doing their freight hauling business. I'm talking about the man that was riding along with Charles. I wanted that man as a regular character because I love how he called Charles on all his *hit.


morty. the bird calling teacher who kicked the crap out of that snooty professor.

because he was my neighbor as a child and he was my Youth Group minister. hell of a guy and he really can do the bird calls.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.


Cool. I did like him! Did he have any good Lucy Lee Flippen stories?


he never really talked about his time there. He wanted to be known in the town for his youth group work. for which he was awesome.

to be honest, it never really clicked with me he was even ON the show until a few years ago.

how he looked on the show was not how he looked in reality/every day life.

Oh God. Fortune vomits on my eiderdown once more.
