MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > UPDATE: Notifications v2.0

UPDATE: Notifications v2.0

In addition to email notifications which were added 2 days ago, we will now also have notifications on the website ("on-site" notifications, similar to Facebook, Twitter, etc.). You'll notice a bell icon in the top right corner (if on mobile, you'll need to click the hamburger icon first). The number of unread notifications you have will appear in a red badge over the bell icon (if you don't have any unread notifications, there will be no red badge). Click on the bell to be taken to a list of your notifications.

I know there was demand for both kinds of notifications (email and on-site), so now we have both. I also know that email notifications can be spotty (depending on your email provider, sometimes email notifications get blocked by the spam filter, or take longer to arrive, etc.), so hopefully the addition of on-site notifications is a welcome feature.

EDIT: Real-time notifications have now been added (so you don't have to refresh the page). Due to cached assets, the layout might look a bit weird now (e.g., double search bars at the top, etc.) - you can clear your browser's cache to get rid of this immediately (or just wait a bit and things should sort themselves out).


I just noticed! Yes! I'm so excited for this one. Thank you so much for being so quick about all of this. It's awesome.

We definitely got a Lansbury here, folks ;)




Lansbury! 👍👍


Sorry guys, but that's never gonna get old for me, lol!


hehehe 😉






It makes me think of an airplane taking off from Camp Kittyhawk or something, or basically any astronaut movie. ("We've got Roatation Speed!")

Then a vigorously glorious anthem plays as it takes to the sky.


This isn't what every astronaut crew says on all of NASA's missions? :P


You know, they probably DO! Or at least they do now, as we're cutting-edge TREND SETTERS.

Where MovieChat leads, the world follows...


We are like the friendly Illuminati!


Apologize for my naïveté, but what exactly is a Lansbury? I've seen that reference multiple times on this site, and I have no idea what it means. xD

But thank you, Jim! Appreciate this very much. c;


It started after, I believe Cooke L.A. was talking about the diversity of the interests of these boards and what was coming across the trending section. Angela Lansbury happened to be occupying a top spot at the time and so she used her as an example and ended her post with, "We got Lansbury, folks!"

I'm sort of was a couple days ago now so I don't remember the exact exchange, but then a couple of us got a kick out of that and I suggested we started using it as a sort of motto or inside joke for whenever something substantial happens :p As you can see...I'm sticking to that, ehehe


Ah, okay, thank you. I thought it was referencing an old movie I haven't seen yet or something, which is certainly possible. 🙄😅

Also, I just got a notification on-site, but when I clicked on it, it logged me out. Is that happening to anyone else? And now I just got an Application Error.... I'm using private browsing mode on Safari on iPhone, would that have something to do with it?


I was logged out right after the notifications were instated, but it hasn't happened since. I was receiving an Application Error for a little bit before that, so I assume it's because he was in progress of the upgrade.

I haven't had it since then so I'm not sure. Maybe it is a mobile thing, which I'm not using, so I wouldn't know. Perhaps someone else on their mobile can say whether they're having similar issues or not.




Good point. I still can't believe he's doing it all on his own. That is a huge undertaking, and I have the upmost respect for him. I've taken a Web Design course in addition to a handful of coding/ computer science courses (C++ and Java), so I know how difficult and annoying programs can be to create and edit.

Still getting logged out once I click on a notification, though...


Update: now I'm not getting logged out anymore. Yay!


I got the application error a bit ago too. Didn't panic though as I'm now aware that this will happen periodically with updates.


Ah, we've come a long way in such a short time in regards to that, eh? haha


LoL...definitely! 😉




Nice, thanks for finding the exact quote!



Great feature!


I'd like to activate that kind of notification but it seems like it's not working when you turned off email notifications?


Does it not?


It does now!

Well, that's weird but I'll take it.


Can you respond one more time. I turned e-mail notifications off. Now I want to make sure site notifications work.


Is it working?


Yes. Thanks!


Thanks Jim! Not a big fan of email notifications, so this is perfect for me.


Can someone please answer this post, so I can observe how it goes?


HI! :)


Hey, it works beautifully, and I don't even have my email set yet.

Thanks for the help, klownz :)

did it work for you?


Yep came through straight away... I did set up for email notifications but will disable them now because I prefer this way.


Awesome... it worked again... I was afraid it won't cause the little "0" or "1" on the bell disappeared after the first announcement, but it worked beautifully again.

So folks, you don't need email at all, as I don't have it and it works anyway. :)




I have had so much help over the years using forums with tech stuff or finding films or getting invites to private sites etc. So I always try to keep good karma :D even if its just a simple message or uploading an obscure film for someone :)


That's really wonderful. Ya know, I think I've met so many more nice and cool folks on MC than I ever did throughout my years on IMDb, to be honest, haha. That must say something!


Ditto that Dreamers!




I use MEGA for uploading things for people if I can't get them a link or an invite to where I got the film for them... I have slow upload speed so uploading the whole film myself is usually last option... unless its just something like subtitles for a film which is never a problem :)


Great job! Now I can deactivate e-mail notifications. This website/forum in mere days has had more upgrades than imdb boards in nearly 20 years.

Indeed, on outlook (hotmail) e-mail notifications ended up in junk folder.


