orangeflava's Posts

Yellow episode @10:15 - the line about the Queen was changed. Tucker running with the chainsaw Is there a website that tracks ticket sales and not dollar amounts for films? Pearl's 8 minute monologue at the end ending slightly changed So, what did you think about the effects making Isabelle young again? and question about it. Good minority netcasts about hollywood tv or pop culture "If it bleeds, we can kill it" He's baaaack! JW4 Teaser Video Kim saved herself! And time jump! Good special effects. And the witch was in the right! 💩💩 How did they get their film fundraiser promoted on the front page? How do you kill a god? *spoilers* Hollywood time travel movies with minority leads? The shaving cream can Any updates? Clips? Trailer? Poster? Release date? EDIT: FINALLY A TRAILER! Why is the upside down years in the past? Does time exist there? Why does everyone speak english but anything in print is in russian/german? Lots of high flying action