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the last time you called the cops

It was 2014 and I witnessed a car hit a woman with a stroller. Amazingly, no one was hurt.


would have been around 2010, i guess. i got randomly assaulted by a pair of kids who wanted to steal my ipod nano, lol. right on main street at rush hour, too. i still kinda admire their brazen attitude.


were you knocked down?


not quite, but i did get punched in the back of my head.

short version:

i was taking a walk after work, and some kid walks along side me, and mumbles something i couldn't make out. short skinny guy, probably in his late teens. i figured it's just some kid trying to sell me pot or something, so i ignore him and walk a little faster.

but instead, he was distracting me while his enormous friend snuck up behind me and punched me in the back of my head. i stumbled forward a bit & turned around to see both of them yelling 'give us everything you've got!'

i thought about for a second, weighed my odds, thought 'what's the bravest thing i can do right now?'..& i ran away like a little girl.

& they chased me! in broad daylight! on main street, with cars zipping by and people watching. and the big guy almost caught me...i remember very distinctly looking back to see him reaching for me, only inches away. but he was a heavier guy, & couldn't maintain the pace, and ended up falling on his face while i scooted off.

and then i jogged up to the liquor store up the street & called the cops from there.

one of the two times i've been randomly assaulted here. the other time i actually got put in the hospital by a group of teenage girls. i literally was beaten up by a bunch of little girls! shameful.


you must live in a rough part of town. teenage girls?


it's definitely a poor neighborhood - one of the poorest in canada, i believe, though i haven't looked up the stats recently.

but i should absolutely clarify that i've lived in this area - this exact apartment building for 25 years, & it's really only those two times i've had trouble, really. two incidents in 25 years doesn't seem crazy to me.




I haven't had to call them since working at a gas station. I worked at one in a very interesting part of the city. Both the non emergency line and 911 were called on a regular basis.


were you ever held up?


Not at the gas station, when I was working at the movie theatre.


how much did they get?


It was the night deposit. Lol so stupid,they had us walk the deposit across the parking lot to the bank. Usually there would be 3 of us and 3 bags. That night the guy only got one of the 3. This was before debit cards were really popular. I dont remember the exact number anymore but it was around $1000.00. They did switch to armored truck picks up not long after. I dont think we were the only ones in the city to get robbed.


I've never actually called the cops. I've called the emergency line for paramedics and firefighters before, but never cops.


Called the non-emergency line when I found a dog running down a busy street. Got him into my car and he was covered in thorns and ticks. Poor thing was dead tired and fell right asleep.

I should mention animal control wasn't answering the phone, so I only called to ask if someone reported a missing dog.

Dog was promptly reunited with its owner.


My then 1 year old daughter was pounding on the telephone keys and accidentally dialed 9-1-1. Does that count?


every kid does this at one point or another.


I butt dialed 911 while at a sporting event once. Had a hard time convincing the dispatcher that all the background shouting was normal and not some chaotic crisis.


Saw a dog running along the highway and called the highway patrol. Read in the local news the next day that lots of people also called. Dog was safely captured and returned to owners.
