MovieChat Forums > The Hills (2006) Discussion > The sex tape rumour/fued

The sex tape rumour/fued

I've been re-wacthing I always liked Lauren but she takes it way to far I wouldn't even want to be friends with someone that dramatic. Honestly I wouldn't care if someone made that up about me. I'd personally would find it funny and easily squash it and be like umm no and if I did so what a lot of couples do. How would you handle it would you drop Heidi? I mean I hate Spencer he's just one of those obnoxious guys with an ugly face to add to the irritation but I'd put up with it I am good at a fake smile.


You're joking right? He spread the rumor with the full intention of ruining her reputation and humiliating her. It was done with malice. Heidi basically betrayed her completely by going along with it and denying it any chance she got. So yes, I would be extremely pissed and I would drop a "friend" like that.


I still wouldn't care. Obviously look at them two who are isolated and lost friends compared to Lauren's social life no ones going to believe them plus it was harmless to her reputation since no on believed her. I wouldn't want to be friends with either the only girl I could totally like is Audrina. The rest are just annoying.. especially Lo I can't stand her she acts like a mom I just want to punch her.


Mind you, I do think Lauren overreacted to a lot of things, but not this.


I agree but she even admits it herself how she's stubborn etc. I just feel bad for Heidi and how corrupted she got by Spencer. She's a sweet girl who just didn't have any mind of her own and got lost in Hollywood.


I don't feel bad for her. He didn't change her - she changed herself. She could have decided that the way he is doing things is wrong, and say something, or not let herself be influenced by him. She wasn't so sweet to begin with.


I had a terrible rumor spread about me by a family member. Initially, I was pissed off at first then I talked to the person who started the rumor and expressed to her how it made me feel; she completely apologized to me and I got over it. Lauren should have told Heidi how it made her feel so they could have talked about it in a mature fashion. Lauren took things way too far...


I thought she did though. I remember Heidi came over, and Lauren asked her how she would feel if someone started a rumor about her that was so bad it made her wish she was dead, or something like that.


You're right. I do remember her saying that. But, I think Lauren took it too far in the way that she turned a lot of people against Heidi. I think if she kept it between her and Heidi and let things go, things would have been different and she would gotten over it more quickly. Lauren was making it a bigger deal than it needed to be. Anyone who knew her would know that she would have never done that with Jason. The fact that she kept bringing it up over and over again, caused people to remember the rumor and she held a grudge against Heidi and Spencer for the longest time. Get over yourself Lauren.


You have to understand though that the rumor was spread on a tabloid online magazine that most people don't read anyways. After closely watching those episodes again, most of her friends didn't know about the rumors to begin with; for example Whitney had no clue about it until Lauren started complaining about it to her. Lauren literally made it more publicly aware when she kept talking about it to people; she was definitely playing the victim and wanting people to feel sorry for her. Plus, she talked about it for years and wouldn't let it go. I remember Audrina feeling annoyed with Lauren about the situation when Lauren was trying hard to convince Audrina to not be friends with Heidi anymore; Audrina somewhat rebelled and told Lauren that she and Heidi were hanging out again. I also remember Audrina telling Lauren to "let things go and let the past be the past". Lauren continues to hold on to this grudge and she's letting this take over her life. I agree with the OP that Lauren did took things way too far. In the new Hills, Jason doesn't even care about those rumors and is friends with Heidi and Spencer. Lauren needs to go over herself because quite honestly, nobody cares about it....



Because it's a really *beep* thing to spread disgusting rumors about someone, regardless of whether or not they're true? And Heidi had been following her around and trying to talk to her while feigning innocence the whole time. I don't blame Lauren for blowing up at the club. Of all the times Lauren got super angry and cut off someone, this was really the only time where I felt it was completely justified.


Actually, I take that back. I also was completely on her side when she was furious at Audrina for accusing hr of hooking up with Justin. That's some messed up *beep* right there.


To be honest I didn't think Heidi knew Spencer spread the rumors at first. That why the club scene Heidi didn't understand why Lauren was yelling at her. I think Spencer spread those rumors in secret. I think he did it so Lauren and Heidi won't be friends anymore. Spencer wanted Heidi to move out so bad cause he's threatened that Lauren will break them up.


I don't think I would be mad if someone spread that about me to be honest I would just laugh as my real friends know I wouldn't do that. People just need to lighten up!

Forget Everything And Remember
For Everything A Reason


I completely agree with you. I had a lot of terrible things said about me and I got over it. Lauren made Heidi out to be someone she wasn't and decided to hold it against her for the longest time. Who cares if somebody thought you made a sex tape? Nobody cares!!!!!!


The rumor wasn't just about a sex tape between Jason and Lauren though. It was....this is kinda graphic. But it was also that Lauren has "beef curtains" on her va-jayjay, that it was hairy, that she had a hairy butt that it smelled and that she's "loose"
Thats why in the show she said on multiple occasions "Those rumorS about me" not jut rumor, one R. Rumors. Multiple. She was obviously not going to state the other stuff on camera.

So yeaaaa I'd be EFFING PISSED. Spencer is a shi*. He made it all up entirely, there was never a sex tape, no way for him to know what her vag is like. He did it to embarrass her. He really did hate her more than he should have.
