The Squire of Gothos

I know this has probably been discussed before, but I've often wondered if Trelane was a Q. Anyone else?

= = = =

“The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.” ee cummings


I've often wondered if Trelane was a Q. Anyone else?

That's an idea that's been floating around for years.

I'd say yes, except that Trelane seems to rely on the device behind the mirror for some or all of his powers. Also, there's the fact that he could only watch Earth from 900 light years away - a Q could and would have just gone there and spied from ground level.

Other than those two small nits, he certainly seems to walk and talk like a Q. He's definitely got the smartass repartee down pat.


He;s the Q Baby from Voyager...

But seriously there was a novel about this.




The people I knew back in the 80s assumed it to be the case before the episode even aired. So it is a pretty old idea.

It makes sense, though.


I've heard that there is a Trelane, Penquin, novella. That he is revealed 2 be from the Qantinuam. But to me, his parents resemble the Thaisions, from Charlie X.


He seems to derive his powers at least somewhat from a machine and isn't omnipotent. So no.


If he is, he'd have to be a Q retroactively since The Q weren't invented at the time the episode aired.


The novel in question was Q-Squared by Peter David. It was a retcon which showed that Trelane was an immature Q, godson of Q.


Now I wonder if Q was based on the "Squire"!

Somebody took the idea of an all-powerful smartass and ran with it (with the help of the best possible actor).


Now I wonder if Q was based on the "Squire"!

You never can tell, although scifi has always been rife with omnipotent beings or one sort or another.


That leads to something interesting. You could possibly Retcon Gary so that he accidentally tapped into the Q-Continuum like Riker did intentionally with Q's help.


Other than the weird eyeballs, I guess so!
