MovieChat Forums > ecarle > Replies

ecarle's Replies

John Wayne was played by David James Elliott in "Trumbo," (2015) about the Hollywood blacklist. Thank you. What was the macho Western with the thankless role? Enquiring minds want to know... New possible charges based on new evidence, claims prosecutor. A grand jury will decide to charge or not. As with the movie of The Godfather a lot of bigger name directors the time...turned The Exorcist down. But in the spring of The Exorcist was being prepared for production, Friedkin won the Best Director oscar for The French Connection, which also won Picture and Actor. Friedkin was now hot enough to hire and willing to take the job. I doubt his beliefs had much to do with it... Its proportional. A four hour movie equals 4 episodes back to back of The Sopranos or Breaking Bad. We can binge those with ease. Just transfer the mindset to a movie. However there is no intermission. You have to hold it or miss a scene or two. Ive read that studios like the makes you have to see the movie twice! In theater or digital or streaming... ...Yuh FASCISTS! Also on view in 1954 in the giant ant thriller, THEM! We are watching Anna Nicole Smith, James Dean, and Marilyn Monroe in real time. New computer wont accept the old one..for now. Working on it. The spoiler blackout works on my computer but not my cellphone. Been a long time. And I am now 101 years old. Yes, and yes. Oops. And guess what. Since then i have seen Doc and Ive forgotten it again. It did choose to pick Doc as the title character. I recall a more cynical and brutal take on the characters. That was a long time for a major star to be gone away. I have seen Enemy of the People. It is good and McQueen proved himself as a dramatic actor. Man, I must have been drunk when I wrote that post. Tom Horn and The Hunter both came out in 1980. McQueen had no 1979 release. And I forgot about Enemy of The People, but to be fair, it barely got released and this was before VHS/DVD. So basically no new Mc,Queen release in 1975, 1976, 1978, and 1979 and barely a release in 1977. CONT Thank you This was a 1994 movie. Willis had appeared in a small but billed part in 1991's Billy Bathgate for director Robert Benton. Benton was directing Nobodys Fool and asked Willis to appear. Willis wanted to work with Paul Newman so made two requests: (1) No billing in posters or opening credits and..(2) Willis would only appear in scenes with Paul Newman in them. Check for yourself if thats true.. "The Beautiful People," they have always been called. As in...we are not. Chuka (1967) a fort Western The Birds (1963) ...both starring Rod Taylor