MovieChat Forums > ecarle > Replies

ecarle's Replies

Director John Boorman took Burt Reynolds aside at a first studio showing of Deliverance to tell him that "Burts best scene" had to be cut to allow Jon Voight to takeover the story as lead. Burt said it killed him emotionally but he accepted Boormans decision. Damn true! I liked when Tom grabbed a big conch shell and strategically kept hitting Hackman in the forehead with it, drawing considerable blood. Looked cruel, brutal and funny, all at the same time. How about 76? RIP September 1, 2023. Karate Kid 4 for sure, too.. ....and his son Michael was getting ready to take over and eventually show HIS Basic Instinct 12 years later... He was great in Coogans Bluff and Django Unchained... Blazing Saddles Whats Up Doc? Young Frankenstein What is this? GUM? I hope you brought enough for everybody... Uh...nope. (Shoots him.) Howard Hughes made his local Las Vegas tv station play Ice Station Zebra over and over matter other viewers were looking for something different. So Ice Station Zebra. The Undefeated with John Wayne has its fans. Verna Bloom Stephen Furst Vera Miles is the laat surviving cast member from Psycho since Pat Hitchcock passed a few years ago. May Lila live to 100.. Carey comes before Cooper. Its alphabetical. I have a t shirt of it. I attended a radio station sneak preview of Psycho II in 1983. I recall a DJ introduced the movie saying "this movie is about Melvin Bates"and the entire full house yelled back..NORMAN Bates! They handed out t-shirts. Got a poster, too. the 1971 movie The Omega Man , Charlton Heston is the last man on earth. Hunted by nocturnal zombie-like people. His only "friend" is a bust of Caesar upon which he has placed a hat. He talks to the bust like Hanks talks to the volleyball. Maybe this is documented behavior in real life. Licorice Pizza, a 2021 film about 1973. Imagine a final twist...young Kathy opens the lovebird cage and the two of them fly out and peck out her eyes! I read that one killed the other, but I cant be sure. Lets call it an alleged murder... Any streaming channels and dates yet?