Satan2016's Posts

How the teachings of Islam could help us prevent more sexual abuse scandals Star Trek Continues finale "To Boldly Go (I)" out today FBI uncovered Russian bribery plot before Obama administration approved controversial nuclear deal with Moscow Episode 21.05 “Hummels & Heroin” Press Release Why don't they call it Warp Drive? Second weekend: $61m domestic + $95.5m foreign = $156.5m Season 2 final trailer Amazon TV Producer Goes Public With Harassment Claim Against Top Exec Roy Price (Exclusive) Episode titles for rest of 2017 From Aggressive Overtures to Sexual Assault: Harvey Weinstein’s Accusers Tell Their Stories ‘Harvey Weinstein’s Media Enablers’? The New York Times Is One of Them 17 Notorious, on-the-Record Harvey Weinstein Stories, Starting With That Time He Ate M&M’s Off the Floor Episode 21.04 “Franchise Prequel” Press Release Opening: $31.5m domestic, $50m foreign NY Comic Con panel Do Androids Dream Of Electronic Beats? How Blade Runner impacted electronic music Weinstein sexual harassment controversy exposes Hollywood's double standard How many Bronies in audience? Two part finale "To Boldly Go" on October 18 & November 13 Final trailer