Satan2016's Posts

recent rape allegations are 'credible,' as evidence is gathered for possible arrest warrant: NYPD Review: The Autobiography of Jean-Luc Picard Early female british TV director Paddy Russell 1928-2017 Early female british TV director Paddy Russell 1928-2017 Osama Bin Laden Compound Was a Piracy Hotbed, CIA Reveals Why Discovery is the best Star Trek ever made Corey Feldman Names One of His Abusers on ‘The Dr Oz Show’ 1.08 “Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum,” Renewed for season two! Proposal to split California into North, South, and Libtardia ‘Blade Runner 2049’ Was Originally Four Hours Long and Split Into Two Parts Japanese trailer #2 Kevin's father was 'Nazi child rapist' who hated Jews and sexually abused his own son for years, claims his brother Family Guy 2005: Stewie escapes Kevin's basement Techno-bable debunked: fungal subspace and tardigrade DNA magic International box office OFFICIAL PORG COOKBOOK 1.0 Adam Driver lets Star Wars secrets slip in the latest GQ LEGO-mation: Multiverse Spaceship