MovieChat Forums > Judas and the Black Messiah (2021) Discussion > Did the pigs ever formally apologize for...

Did the pigs ever formally apologize for murdering an innocent man at his own home?

No wonder people hate them.


I think it was posted that they rightfully did so in self-defense.


How was it self-defense?!


They first shot, and then fabricated even more shots.


Only liberals hate them. The rest of us are smart and mature enough to realize most of the police are good. There are bad people in every profession. The Minneapolis city council infamously called last summer for an end to the police. That led to several months of increased violence and murders and they are now short by about 200 policemen. And are trying to entice people to become policemen because they realized you can't send a social worker out to investigate violent crimes. That's what happens when liberals, who know nothing at all about the real world, are put in charge.


Stop the "bad apples" excuse.
Educate yourself:


Of course. Some links to websites that are not biased at all. LOL


You prefer Breitbart or The Daily Wire?


Neither. But since black people are overwhelmingly responsible for black murders, why don't you blame them?


Another racist right wing talking point 😴


It's something known as a 'fact'. If black lives truly mattered, the first people BLM would be against are black people. Right?


Every race is responsible for the majority of their own races murders, that isn't a 'black' problem.
And while there are plenty of good officers, there are also way too many to just be a few bad apples. People with power control issues are drawn to jobs like police or CO's where they have control over people, the same way pedophiles are attracted to jobs where they have access to children. It's gross to think about, but its the truth.


You don't see white people blaming black people for all or most white murders. Do you? Or blaming the cops, even though white people are much more often killed by the police. This is specific to black people and a victim mentality they are born and bred to have. They never take any responsibility for anything.


Black people do not blame white people for most of the murder in their community either.
The issue is more with the justice system itself, that allows their murderers to walk free.
When a white person murders a black person, they are 354% more likely to be get away with it by way of not being charge or being acquitted than the other way around. Hence making it seem like black lives do not matter to the justice system, which is the whole point of the movement.


Yes, they do. And the police. And if you dare say 'all lives matter' you must be canceled. There is a HUGE difference between what you are trying to spin and sell here and what BLM was selling last summer. You might not realize it because people tend to forget. Especially liberals. But it was all about getting rid of the police because of systemic racism, even though every objective study never showed any such racism at all. But based on a few isolated incidents they burned down buildings, beat the hell out of people and even murdered some. All in the name of 'justice'.


All lives matter came in as a direct response to BLM, that is why it is reacted to so strongly. If all lives really mattered to that group, why were they not the ones out in the streets yelling that while countless black murder victims went without justice.

Because what they really mean is black lives dont matter.

Also defund is not abolish. Only radicals want that.
It just means that police budgets are way inflated while other areas, like mental health, are not funded properly.
We saw it last summer when front line workers went without proper PPE in places, yet there didnt seem to be any lack of riot gear for police. That way when someone is called for a mental health crisis, its not just people with guns and possible power control issues, and their own stress from being overloaded, that show up alone.


Yes, because the logical reaction to arrogantly claiming one group of people's lives matter is that ALL lives matter. Because all lives should matter. Not just black lives. And, again, if black lives matter so much then why aren't they addressing the more than 90% of black murders caused by other black people. Apparently, some black lives matter more than others. Depending on who is the killer.
But if you dare say ALL lives matter, well you just need to be fired!
It should have been black lives matter, too. They are like little children stuck in a candy store overnight with no adult supervision.
This should have been about criminal justice reform but BLM became so quickly hungry for raw power they gave that up when they realized the millions of dollars pouring in.
And, apparently, you have never heard of Minneapolis, where they literally voted to get rid of the police. Liberal stupidity yet again. What happened? Crime rose. Murders rose. Violence rose. And now they have had to do a 180 and try and entice new officers to join a dwindling police force, where they know they will be vilified every single day. Way to go, liberals! If you had any kind of intelligence you would have realized what would have happened when you relentlessly attack the police. But you didn't. You never do.
Liberals leap without looking, which would be fine if they weren't taking the rest of society with them on their plummet into madness.


All lives cannot matter until black lives matter too. That is the whole point. Never, ever, ever did anyone say only black lives matter.


If black lives matter, too, then black people need to address black on black murders. First and foremost. Until then, they cannot be taken seriously.


When black people kill other black people, they go to jail, if the murderer is known, like right away.

When a white person kills a black person, like previously stated, that isnt always the case.

That is the point of the movement. And it is very serious.

Once again, every race has more murders within their own race than outside of it, that is not specific to black people.


But the black person is still dead. So that life doesn't matter. But Floyd killed by a white cop is going too far. So it only matters who is doing the killing. Just like in Ferguson.
And you miss the point entirely. White people do NOT blame others for their murders. But black people blame everyone BUT themselves for their murders. Do you not get that? It's kinda obvious.
Black people in America blame everything wrong in their lives on white people, which is pure laziness and inaccurate. Because that is so much easier than taking personal responsibility. BLM is about childish as it gets.
Serious? Then start with the black family, which leads in divorce and abortions. That's where it all starts.


Wow you are just full of a ton of misinformation and basis.
Black people do not blame every thing on white people. But it would be unfair to say that a lot of issues the black community has it not linked to the roots of white supremacy.

When a black person is killed by another black person you think the community doesn't care about that? All that says is that you don't know many, if any, people in the black community.

The Floyd murder was a huge turning point because of how gruesome it was. And yes, it was going too far, WAY TOO FAR. The pos should never see the light of day again. If that was your son, that said he could not breath, repeatedly, that said he was scared that pos was going to kill him, that begged for water, that cried out for his mother, while his nose bled and his bladder released, all while his murderer knew he was being filmed but didnt care......if that was your son, or brother or father, you would feel much differently.

How, exactly, do you feel asking for justice for black murder victims is childish? But some how trying to drown out that call with the gaslighting 'all lives matter' response is not?

And somewhere along the line you must have missed the memo, because just like everything else you have stated, divorce and abortion is something every race does, not just black people.


Black people blame EVERYTHING on white people. What world do you live in that you would even contest that. I stopped reading right there.


What world do you live in that you even think that?

One where you clearly do not actually know any black people. Maybe just educate yourself, a little bit, seeing as the education system where you live obviously failed you.


I don't think it. I know it.


Well you stay in your own little world then, I don't think the rest of us want you in ours anyway.
Finally, things are really progressing, with or without you.


You mean the world where people are canceled if they don't bow and yield to BLM? That world?


A world where racists are being held accountable for their actions and being called out.

This entire thread all you have done was repeat falsehoods you think you know but don't and try and attribute negative characteristics to black people that people in every race have.

Seriously, it's not that hard to just learn new things. You should try it sometime.


No, it's a world where black people treat all white people as racist. They even look for something they did in their teen years to destroy them. Black people demand respect rather than earning it. Maybe the smartest black man of the last century doesn't buy into this racebaiting nonsense, either. I bet you don't know who I am talking about.


Weird, I am white and have never been made to feel I am racist.....I wonder why you have......


Because you are probably a liberal. Liberals are trained to be subservient to anyone who hates white people. Or America. They bend over to appease Muslims, even when they shoot up a gay bar.


Oh yes, please keep speaking about more stuff you have no idea about lol


Which time are you referring to? I only ask because the pigs have done this countless times, so that would be a great many apologies to make.
