MovieChat Forums > The Menu (2022) Discussion > the old pervert (spoilers)

the old pervert (spoilers)

..... couldn't remember one damn item from the menu ?!
c'mon i know he wasn't really into it, but he's visited the venue ELEVEN TIMES


Yep! it's true and kind of unbelievable. 11 damn times? Seriously? Something had to be so delicious, and unforgettable one would think?
Otherwise why go there? I suppose if they would've guess a single item they would've been non worthy of death at that point, and Chef would've had to let them go too maybe?
His wife thought she had remembered, but she was wrong too. Go figure...


Maybe the food was not great and the restaurant was all hype.


It's not much of a defense, but to be fair, he was put on the spot. Him and his wife were terrified and barely able to utter a 3-letter word. My mind probably would've blanked at that point too.


Exactly. Plus they were up there in years. If it was me though, I would have said Taco Tuesday since that's supposedly then on the menu since day one and hopefully one of the times they went there would have been a Tuesday.


It's a black comedy. His character was clearly an exaggeration.


No there are plenty of people in real life just like him. Stop being obtuse


Wow, so edgy.


Edgy? What are you fucking 12?


You're the one being a cunt, throwing words like obtuse around.

I was reminding people that it's a satire and nothing should be taken literally. Typical keyboard warrior.




You started the insults sweetie. Bet you're a fucking wallflower in reality.

Next time stop gatekeeping the comments section and take other points of view on board without throwing out insults.


Are you 8 years old or just an asshole?


I'll assume that's aimed at me? I was called obtuse over a single comment.

If you don't want a dickish response, don't be a dick.

Simple really.


Nice troll account you fucking cunt.
