Promising? (Young Woman).

Promising? Promising in what sense, what does she promise in this movie?


promising as an easy prey for sexual predators who pick up intoxicated women, as the lead character pretends to be drunk.


Maybe the word they really were looking forward to then is "Vulnerable".


the movie is a black comedy, so an ironic title makes more sense.


True, for purposes of discussion, but as a movie title, ‘promising’ is better wordplay. (double entendré, and all that rot)


You are assuming the promising young woman is the main character in the movie, it could just as easily be a reference to the friend of the main character who was a promising young woman that killed herself because of the rape. Frankly that makes more sense to be because the main character isn't a promising young woman.


She was a promising young woman, top of her class, until the rape of her friend.


It's a spin on the way the term is typically used. When a young man with a bright future rapes a woman, a common defense is to refer to him as a promising young man. He made a mistake, but if it can be overlooked, his future promises to be a good one. The film is pointing out that the focus is often on the way that a promising young man's promising future has become bleak, while it's rarely pointed out that the woman who was raped has also had her future negatively affected.

One often hears about the promising young man who committed rape, but seldom the promising young woman who was raped.

It's also has a second meaning in the film, as the men who encounter the protagonist see her as a promising young woman in the sense that she promises to be a fun time for them after she passes out.


It's in reference to Brock Turner who committed sexual assault and was convicted. However, despite this, he was still referred to as a "promising young man".
