
Well that sure was a feel good film. I want my 5 years back... that's how long it felt, dragging on so tepidly.

The only thing worse would be having to watch it with subtitles.. oO


The movie was not even 90 minutes (if you include ending credits). I did not think it was a great movie and was an unnecessary American remake that added nothing new, but it never dragged.

Then you are missing out on a very good thriller (the original Danish movie).


What's the title of the Danish film ?


Den skyldige. It translate to The Guilty.


agreed, good movie.

i thought this remake was fine, but it added nothing except a few bigger than necessary acting moments. but i was never bored, or ever close to bored.

it's fine!


Never knew it was a remake but I enjoyed this film. I'll look into the original film.


Yeah, it does drag. Gyllenhaal was good though.


He typically is, despite his face being typecast. But a good actor.

No steven seagull at least !! lol
