MovieChat Forums > The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021) Discussion > Sam's race talk didn't fit with the char...

Sam's race talk didn't fit with the character

He's been in all these movies for years and never once brought up or talked about race like he did in this. Even his delivery of those lines came off like he felt it was forced.


Well he was always the sidekick or secondary character in the earlier Marvel films, without much dialogue. His screen time was limited, and when he wasn't flying around without talking, his lines were limited to chipping in about plot points or asking Steve what he thought about things. The only time he ever got a chance to just talk about his own feelings was telling Bucky "I hate you".

So giving him a TV series allows him to open up and talk, and yes, it's realistic that a black man from his background would want to talk about race issues now and then.


Someone hasn't seen The Winter Soldier or wasn't paying attention.


He was the sidekick in that movie, given no real room to open up about himself.


Sam talking about his feelings and not talking about being black


Oh for fuck's sake, do you think his feelings about being a soldier is all there is to a believable human personality? Yes, in his role as a sidekick he was allowed to talk about his feelings about being a soldier and the psychological upshot of a military career, as a way of steering the plot towards Steve's personality and feelings about being a soldier, because he was only the sidekick after all.

He was opening up about one facet of his life experiences in a context where the discussion was limited to that one facet, are you actually dense enough to think that he doesn't think about issues of race or talk about them when he thinks it's appropriate? Do you think he never had a chat with Steve about modern racial issues off camera, in the context of informing a guy he likes about things he really ought to know?

No, you're trolling, but that doesn't mean you aren't dense as well.


So you are a big fat racist, and cannot fathom black people having feelings about anything other than being black. Got it.


He was relaying a lot what Isaiah Bradley went through, as well as the race in general. "He's been in all these movies for years and never once brought up or talked about race like he did in this"- which have barely amounted to a handful of days in his life, so there's no way to know what he's experienced or how he feels. Aside from that, why can't he use his position to speak for others if he hasn't been the victim of racism? Why can't we as humans sympathize with what others experience even if we don't experience it ourselves? Fighting to save others is what superheroes do, and it's what Captain America stands for. Quite frankly, it's what we all should do.


It doesn't fit within it's own show.

A black man will never be Captain America? Sir, a black man was just offered, turned down, and eventually takes the job. Now, it's fine Isiah is an angry old man. What happened to him was awful and will pretty much ruin a person the rest of their life. He's not objective. He judges an entire country based on what a small number of people did to him. People are not objective though. THey are irrational and emotional. So for HIM to be like that was fine.

But Sam's rant makes no sense. Sam openly breaks the law and gets away with it. Sam is a successful military member and Avenger. For same to say "Stop calling them terrorists" and "I'm a black man, carrying the stars and strips..." has no merit. Sam is living an extremely privileged life.

This show was so hell-bent on it's own agenda, it didn't even take time to make sure it all made sense.
