Namor and Hercules Miscasts.....

Namor and Hercules are my two favorite marvel characters ever....

I have now seen Hercules in the post credit scene Thor love and Thunder and Namor in the Black Panther 2 trailer....

And I believe they have completely miscast these characters and it really sucks because they have absolutely nailed the costumes and look for these characters buuuuuuuuuut the actors that they have cast in the roles just don't at all same right for the role...

I think the actor playing Hercules is the worst, that is not at all what I would picture Hercules to look like ...

Obviously we've seen almost nothing of these characters and maybe they will knock it out of the park and I'll be completely wrong but based on just looks alone, I have a horrible feeling they've terribly miscast these characters.


Both look spot-on to me. What about them is bothering you?


THIS is supposed to be Hercules???? LMAOOOO!!!! At least they got the coloring right.

We'll, I hope he's been juicing regularly and living at the gym because this is what Hercules is supposed to look like.


Chris Hemsworth wasn’t jacked until he took the role of Thor.

I like the guy they cast as Hercules, although I was actually hoping that Cavill would sign on to play him.


This what the fans said about Hugh Jackman. And look what his dedicated weight training accomplished. I think that the actor playing Hercules can do the same.
The fans hated Mark Ruffalo being cast as Bruce Banner/Hulk, because of Norton's performance. They booed him when he appeared at the Comic Con. But, he proved them wrong also.
First impressions are almost never correct.


