MovieChat Forums > Knives Out (2019) Discussion > Anyone catch the big mistake ?

Anyone catch the big mistake ?

How can Chris evens meet the black mailer at the closed laundry mat if he was in the cop call the whole time she was behind them following and she took a detour to stop at the laundry mat, Chris couldn’t had gotten there before her and if he went before that how she survive that long in the chair on morphine overdose


Nope, because the original blackmail letter asked to meet there at 8am - he then changed it to 10am and posted it to Marta.

Pay attention next time.


So she was overdosed and alive for 2 hours? -_-


Well, that's the only issue, but I guess he could have given her just enough to be on the verge of death and she held on long enough to still be alive 2 hours later. It's unlikely, but possible.


Are you going to apologise for saying pay attention next time?


No, because your original point was the Chris Evans couldn't get there in time. You clearly didn't see the time on the original note. My statement still stands.


The point was she was overdosed for 2 hours which should have been only 10 minutes. You should apologise for being rude.


Not every overdose that ever occurred happened exactly the same way.


Yeah that's a stretch.


Yeah good luck with that...its amazing how people will go out of their way to condescend when, come to find out, they're the ones having trouble with keeping up. Apologizing maybe comes to close to admitting that.

That's what's kind of dangerous about being a condescending douchebag though, right? You're setting yourself up to get knocked down. It seems like an obvious enough lack of foresight that the very act is kind of indicative of stupidity itself, you know?

Anyway, sorry he was rude, good on you for being like you were about it!


Just seen this (after 6 months) - I have nothing to apologise for. Thanks for your concern and involving yourself where you're not needed.

He made an inaccurate and invalid statement - he wasn't paying attention (as proved by his own opening statements).

" come to find out, they're the ones having trouble with keeping up."

Which parts did I not keep up with? Qualify your statement with evidence, or it's invalid. Then you can apologise to me. Or are you that much of a hypocrite, you don't follow your own advice?

When he further changed his argument, I gave another explanation. That's not how this works at all - you can't make a bold statement, have it disproven and then just go onto another separate issue.

He even edited his original post to include the drug overdosing part - he added this after I pulled him up on his error - that proves beyond any shadow of doubt that I was absolutely correct in my original post - he had to then move the goal posts to keep his dignity and argument.

"That's what's kind of dangerous about being a condescending douchebag though, right? You're setting yourself up to get knocked down. It seems like an obvious enough lack of foresight that the very act is kind of indicative of stupidity itself, you know?"

The hypocrisy of your statement is astounding. You're accusing me of doing this, when you're actually doing the same thing, but in an even more egregious and insulting way. That makes you an imbecile. All I said was to pay attention - you're throwing around insults like you're making up for something missing in your sad life - that's not my fault buddy.

"Anyway, sorry he was rude, good on you for being like you were about it!"

Yeah, it doesn't work like that either. You don't get to apologise on my behalf. I made an accurate and valid statement, which totally contradicted his main issue - I have nothing to apologise for - my point is accurate and valid - his, is not. End of story.

What a lovely world you live in, where you sit there pontificating and passing judgement on whether something someone wrote online is valid. You sound like an insufferable man-child - please get out and speak to other human beings, because if you talk to people like that in real life they're probably going to get physically violent and I don't think your smugness or fedora will save you.

If you're that concerned, prove my statement wrong, come up with something that completely contradicts it. If you cannot, then you are the biggest imbecile I have ever had the misfortune to discover online - and I'm on YouTube and Reddit, so you'll be top of the idiots if you can't. Good luck!


"If you're that concerned, prove my statement wrong, come up with something that completely contradicts it. If you cannot, then you are the biggest imbecile I have ever had the misfortune to discover online - and I'm on YouTube and Reddit, so you'll be top of the idiots if you can't. Good luck!" Well let me just get right to work here on putting together my dissertation on why you were wrong so that you won't judge me as being the idiot at the top of your list.
Jesus Christ dude, do you hear yourself? I pegged you as being a condescending twat, which, whether the person you were correcting was right or wrong, you were absolutely being, but you're also amazingly arrogant to assume you can bait me in trying to prove anything to you.

Hell, I don't even remember this topic...had to just go re-read this thread to jog my memory, and were being a condescending twat, no pontification required. You completely miss the mark...I wasn't so much judging the "validity" of what you were saying as I was judging the manner in which you were saying it, and you came up just...SO goddamn short. As pathetic as my life may or may not be for calling it out, I can guarantee you that it'd have to be a whole helluva lot worse in order for me to talk to people the way that you do.

I don't know if you're insecure or just have anger issues, but hell yeah, I hope one day you'll end up calling people out for being condescending twats yourself. And you might take a few years, but you'll get there.


The point was not that at all - the point was this:

"How can Chris evens meet the black mailer at the closed laundry mat if he was in the cop call the whole time she was behind them following and she took a detour to stop at the laundry mat"

No mention of drugs or overdosing. So, you are wrong. Try to keep up with what's being said.

Also, after all this time, I've just realised you're not even the original poster, you're just some random idiot getting involved.


"Also, after all this time, I've just realised you're not even the original poster"

So maybe you should pay attention next time? XD Hilarious!

Take care jjsparx :)


Is it hilarious though? That I thought the person responding to me, who I had addressed directly, was the person asking me to apologise. It's not really, is it.

Yeah, I often get involved in other people's disputes and ask them to apologise. I could not even imagine someone butting in like that - what a ridiculous way to behave. It honestly never crossed my mind that someone would be that pathetic, but now I am aware of how fragile some people are. Good to know.

I'm glad you're amused by another person's strange behaviour. Congratulations, I guess?


You are obviously just here to stir the pot and seem to take pleasure in being an ass. I feel very sorry for you. You are a sad, miserable person.

I won't waste anymore time on you except to say I hope your life gets better.

Take care!


"I could not even imagine someone butting in like that - what a ridiculous way to behave." LOL you're on a message forum...and are wholly taken aback that someone had the nerve, NAY the AUDACITY to dare interject their opinion in a discussion they weren't previously a part of?
"What kind of pathetic behavior..."
"How ridiculous!"
"how pathetic!"
"Now I'm aware of how fragile some people are.."

Are you sure that I'm the fragile one in this scenario, J? With you clutching your pearls like this? I wasn't trying to be a dick, J, its not too late for us...
Lol come on, its a discussion forum, don't be like that. Stop being such a condescending condescender and let's go get ice cream!


Fun fact: You will never have to apologize for acting like a condescending dick if you don't act like a condescending dick to begin with. Just...something that might not have occurred to you yet.


Fun Fact #2: I will never have to apologise for acting like a condescending dick, because I make absolutely sure what I'm saying is accurate and refutes what was originally stated. Which it absolutely is in this case.

Fun Fact #3: People who get involved with discussions, who have nothing to contribute; don't have any alternative to disprove my statement, and act in an even more condescendingly dickish way - they are in fact - an utter cunt and a hypocrite and even worse than the person they are trying (and failing) to deride.

I disputed his opening statement - a smug opening statement, I might add. I proved what he said was inaccurate and that he missed a major plot point. He then brought in an entirely different point to argue - I (again) provided further explanation of how that might work.

I don't have to provide information for every subsequent straw he clutches at - he made a stupid statement - I pointed out why it was stupid and he couldn't deal with that, so then he brought a different topic up for discussion - I countered that and then he fucked off - the second guy isn't even the original poster - he's just some white-knighting idiot, asking me to apologise for being correct.

What a weird world you both live in. He was wrong, I was right, and yet, I'm expected to apologise. That's not how this works! At all!


THE BIG MISTAKE for me was reading this stupid thread!!


I am with jjsparx here. The OP should have paid attention to the film and they would have seen the initial time of the meeting was 8:00am.

The follow up about the overdose was not a matter of not paying attention as there was nothing in the film that indicated how much morphine he gave her. As HE made Marta's appointment for 10:00am (2 hours later) and we know from the old man's overdose that 100mg would kill in 10 minutes that Hugh would have needed to give an amount that would take 2 hours to kill her. Why? Because the time of death would have been determined and if it was not at 10pm she would have had an albi... HIM. She was with him before 10:00am

