Underperforming at the box office

Nobody cares about TMNT anymore


Good I hope this woke garbage fails and Seth Rogen never makes another movie again.


I concur.




It isn't even slightly woke.


Um, it has a race swapped April and the turtles sound like soi boys.

Sounds pretty woke to me.


How it "sounds" to you is of no consequence. You've decided without watching it to hate the film, and are talking out of your ass to denigrate it. By no stretch of the imagination is this a woke film.


All I had to do was watch the trailer to know this movie was horrid.

And it’s also a Seth Rogen movie which adds further insult to injury.


Troll triggered by great movie doing well at box office!


Said no one ever


How's it doing well? It's not close to breaking even at this point


they replaced that red head with a fat afromurican. red heads are the biggest minority and they are losing all there representation to the blacks. little mermaid now this?!? fuck that shit...


...also Spider-Man's Mary Jane.


gingers are a discriminated minority, it is fucked what they are doing. make ur own new characters don't black-wash established ones!!


Alt-right white supremacists sure do love their redheads. I thought gingers were also mercilessly bullied all through grade school, mostly by white kids?




Nobody cares about cinema anymore. Everything is underperforming.


Barbie, Oppenheimer, and the Meg 2 all over performed.


They all did quite well, but I don't think you can say any of the three overperformed. It only feels that way because of how down the overall box office has been. Of those three, only Barbie has sold tickets at a rate one would expect were this pre-pandemic times.


Oppenheimer was projected to do $40 million. That's literally double what it was projected


The projection is based on living in a post-pandemic world. Had it been released in 2019 I think it would have been projected at closer to $75 to $100 million.


it looks like absolute cringe garbage


How TMNT: Mutant Mayhem FLOPPED, but is still a SUCCESS


TMNT Mutant Mayhem was stomped by the competition, and opened in fourth place, behind Barbie, Oppenheimer, and Meg 2 to a mere 28m 3 day total. That’s about the same as the original movie opened to unadjusted for inlation way back in 1990. It hasn't really made any more in its opening weekend than it already had in preview screenings, which doesn’t bode well for the future.

Usually, all else being equal, this would be the time to call it, and do a regular postmortem … but as we shall see, in this particular case, the box office doesn’t really matter because of prior licensing deals, so despite the lackluster box office, this a vision for the turtles is one you might as well get used to …
