Was the Book Better?

I went into this trying not to know anything. It started out SO strong and mysterious with the two Terry's - they got me hook line and sinker. But now that it's devolved into the standard, "It's a monster" I find myself not really caring much any more and falling asleep a lot.


Haven't seen the show yet, or read the book. Waiting for the show to end to see if it's binge worthy.

But that's a general problem with King. He starts strong in all the books and by the end he fucks it up.

Most notable Gerard's Game. It worked so well until he felt the need to introduce "the monster".


Exactly the problem with the show... it started out really strong, and I was worried it would end up with a Stephen King finale... and well... it did.

A bit disappointed at the last episode, it didn't feel epic. I believe it could've been much better.


I think i really liked only 2 endings in things by SK:

The ending of The Mist - the movie (which was not his end actually) and the ending of "The Running Man" - the book, not the movie - the movie sucked but the book was quite good.


Agreed. The mist (the movie) had a pretty shocking ending. I liked it.

Haven't read the book of The running man, I might though now that you say its good.

I always find myself wondering if SK's books are worth reading because of his shitty endings...


It's about the journey, not the destination, as said by Sai King himself.


The mist is possibly his best ending. I think most of his Bachman stories had a decent finish. People don't realize just how different The Running Man is, but it's a great read. Insomnia has a good ending, so did Dr Sleep (way better than the movie ending).


I thought The Mist (the movie, never read the book) had the most retarded ending ever. Made me very angry to have wasted my time on the movie.


Yes, book is better. Tighter believe it or not. The 8-episode show just dragged and could have, should have been 5 or 6 episodes.


It was 10 episodes. You should watch the last two....


If anything, the first couple of episodes were the best ones of the series.


Good point. I DID watch all 10, but you probably surmised that already. Yes, series far too long.
