MovieChat Forums > Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) Discussion > Joby Harold wrote this shit

Joby Harold wrote this shit

Lol at all these threads theorizing about canon and if Leia knew Kenobi in ANH or whatever. This thirty something millennial guy who never watched the prequels and claimed not knowing Anakin was Darth Vader, wrote this mediocre, unimaginative, bland cheesefest. It's not even fanfiction at at this point. It's jerkfiction, dumbfiction, corporatefiction. You name it.


"Lol at all these threads theorizing about canon and if Leia knew Kenobi in ANH or whatever. "

Terrible people are having on-topic discussions, isn't it?


There were 5 writers. I bet all of them watched the prequels, but they simply don't memorize them like fanatics do.


Yeah it's too much to ask writers to know the canon of the billion dollar franchise they are writing for.


Maybe they could simply explain which characters have two stomach, so when they come waltzing back into frame a few episodes later I don't have to scramble to Wookiepedia to find out they dude has two stomachs. It's NOT my responsibility to know this. Still, even if I were to accept this fobbing off of information to some other media, Reva didn't have two stomachs, though. How did SHE come back... after being stabbed... TWICE(!)... BY DARTH VADER(!)? Just because Ewan McGregor does some cool light saber and Force stuff on an extremely dark and cheap-looking set late in the last episode doesn't excuse these lapses in basic CLASSICAL story-telling (which is what Star Wars is supposed to be).
