MovieChat Forums > Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) Discussion > obi-wan learning of darth vader's secret...

obi-wan learning of darth vader's secret identity

10 years later is good for drama on the show but i figured obi-wan knew anakin was vader soon after revenge of the sith.

when would yoda get the news? i figured he would have sensed it or qui-gon would have told them.


I haven't seen the show yet, but Obi-Wan learns about it in ROTS already, when he watches a recording of Palpatine naming Anakin Darth Vader.


Always thought that was a terrible scene - Why would the Jedi be able to access security footage from the Chancellor's office. Especially a chancellor who's been secretly plotting against the Jedi! You'd have thought Palps would have been a bit more on the ball...

But yeah, seemingly the writers of this masterpiece couldn't even be bothered watching the one film that this show is supposed to follow on from.


That recording was at the Jedi Temple.


Well I know they (i.e. Obi-Wan and Yoda) were at the Jedi temple watching the recording but are you saying Palpatine and Anakin were also at the Jedi temple?


Yes. Palpatine went to the temple to see the results of the aftermath of Order 66. The recording Kenobi and Yoda saw was taken at the temple.


That doesn't necessarily mean that Vader is a public figure post ROTS. Obi-Wan thought Vader was dead for the past ten years.


They did already know. As someone already pointed out, Yoda and Obi-Wan watched a recording of Palps calling him Lord Vader. It is plausible that Obi-Wan thought Vader was dead after Mustafar, but not really since Vader was out and about killing people and leading the hunt of the Jedi for the last 10 years. He knew who Vader was, but maybe Obi-Wan never read The Empire Times or listened to Empire Rock 101 FM.
