The finale

.....This show was really good in the beginning, but lately it has been losing me.

Of course Ben's wife is pregnant, Grace, I had to look up her name, because she's so unlikable and annoying. And of course it's Danny's. I think it was obvious when we saw him in the "previously on clips" and plus, she wasn't feeling well.

I guess the math of it and mythology is interesting, but now we know they are supposed to die on June 2, 2024. I feel like now what? Now what can they do?
So, Griffin technically drowned and his death caught up with him later, but the plane didn't explode and then what? Restore itself? I think there is still a big piece of this puzzle missing and a lot they can do.

Then there was that cliffhanger I predicted a mile away. I don't really like Zeke, so I don't care what happens to him, but it looks like Mick got shot. But it could be any of them. The show hasn't been renewed yet so... we'll see.


It's rare for a show to jump the shark in its finale but this one may have. That drowning scene went full X-Files bizarre. The death sentence twist is real out there. And that pregnancy, sheesh, they finally got her character under control and not so annoying. Now that's gonna ramp up again. And that shooting cliffhanger! That was pretty old school, that was cool to see. But I really don't care about any of those characters, I couldn't care less which one got shot. I predict it was her that ate a bullet. Not renewed yet, eh? That's not a good sign. Most of the fall shows got their orders already.


If they cancel it, they should at least do a couple of extra episodes to wrap it up. Leaving it on a cliffhanger will suck for DVD sales.


You may be correct, and I agree that it was probably Mic who ate the bullet. And at this point, I really don't care much whether it gets renewed. It's become such a soap opera.



I feel the same way. It had my interest at first, but it got old real fast. I feel a story like this would do better as a limited series.





I could not agree more.

And of course Ben's extremely irritating wife is pregnant by the other guy. Like you, I saw that coming from about a mile away. It's typical of what this series has become, a soap opera.



Who the hell is Mick?
