Catherine the Warrior

Queen Catherine riding in to Flodden in full 3rd trimester armor: Hold my lance, I gotta pee!"


The movie poster looks like something from Monty Python


And the hauberk with open shoulders, because... who knows? Do they know the difference between an armor and a night dress???

This is no much better than the usual fantasy bikini armors which make zero sense as an armor. But at least, those are clearly semi-erotic fantasy and don't try to play the "realism" card.


Oh Lord, I didn’t even notice that.


She'd have worn show armor to indicate she meant business, not real functional armor.

She may have run a war, but from a safe distance.


She looks like she was doing a ridiculous posing for a Botticelli portrait.


I agree. Female empowerment Ok, but create images with common sense.


This was such a big pile of bullshit that even the bitches that run Frock Flicks were disgusted!

The real Catherine of Aragon never went anywhere NEAR any battlefields when she was holding off the invasion by the Scots while Henry was away in France. She was pregnant at the time, and in a very vulnerable state, and stayed in a town that was close enough that she could keep close communication with the generals, but far enough away that she was safe. And she never, NEVER wore armor of any kind in her entire life!

No sane pregnant woman, let alone a Queen carrying the future of her kingdom in her womb, is gonna put herself in danger like what this stupid F-ing show would portray. Even in today's army, it isn't done for practical reasons. They make the female soldier go on maternity leave to some place safe so she can have her baby without suffering medical problems or getting shot.

Good GOD the people who make this show are stupid!


I am watching the first episode, so far I like it. I do not know much about Catherine, besides the fact she was Henry's wife and her death.


Expect to see a fairy-tale version of what really happened.


I would expect that, that era was cutthroat and bloody.


The people who made this show made a very bad move, using Philippa Gregory's books to make the script. She's notorious for rewriting what really happened to spice things up and ramp up the drama. A lot of Tudor history fans hate her for doing a bad job of writing the characters, because she seems to have no understanding of the real historical figures she writes about. The costume designers for these shows should be shot for doing such a hideous job too. I mean, who the HELL got the idea that Catherine dressed in a windmill type gown?!


I respect your opinion, but I have to admit the show is interesting. I will have to read Ms. Gregory's books eventually.


The depiction of the actual battle at Flodden was totally stupid as well. Where was the cannon fire, horse charges etc., etc?
