Too much about McNamara

Honestly one minute it's chilling about a serial killer and then it's telling us about how some random writer grew up. I just don't care about McNamara or her relationship with her parents.

Pity they didn't just cut all her stuff out and it would have been 2 or 3 episodes.


Agreed. It'd be one thing if her work actually led to the EAR's arrest, but it didn't.


I know right? I didn't want to be more unkind but none of her work really helped find the killer. None of the other amateur sleuths were on his trail either.


totally agree, couldn't care less about her or her goblin looking husband.


It was absurd. Each episode would spend 15-20 minutes on 4 or 5 EARONS/Golden State Killer cases and then 40-45 minutes on Michelle's mommy issues.

The documentary was such dogshit.


I couldn't agree more, her and patton are just self centered attention whores. the documentary is pretty good but only if you fast forward though all the unnecessary bits about her.

in all fairness she had 0 impact on the case being resolved but then she gets worshipped just for giving the killer a shit name and trying to overshadow the actual capture with her self-centeredness.

could not care less about her or her subterranean dwelling husband but he has to make it all about them.

could have been a great documentary but yet again some egomaniac woman couldn't resist turning the focus towards herself. if you need more examples of this just look up shy serial killer on YouTube and you'll find endless women uploading 'documentaries' that have pictures of themselves all over the thumbnails with the actual subject matter somewhere in the background.

this documentary is just a professionally backed version of those self absorbed YouTube whores using a killers notoriety to segue into their Instagram profile.

by the way if you're not interested in her life story skip episode 5 completely. I skipped forward through the whole episode looking for anything except Michelle and patton but there was nothing lol
