Child Neglect

He never feeds the kid nor buys him new clothes. He had the kid for weeks or months without giving him a name or even a nickname. He won't buy him a toy and fusses if the bored kid wants to play with a small round piece of the ship. He could always deliver the kid to Luke Skywalker who is creating a new Jedi school instead of traveling to dangerous places with him.

The final straw was making the kid hold two live wires!


He's not a "kid". He's had decades of training in the force. He's 50 years old and can feed himself. The small round piece from the ship is just a token of kindness (aka. a gift) from the Mandalorian, proving the Mandalorian means him kindness, when he's never been given a gift before. Mando is the only one he can trust. If you noticed when Ashoka wanted him to send the rock she had gifted him right back to her, he appeared dejected and thought forget it and dropped the rock. He thought she was also giving him a gift only for her to ask for it back.


Are we watching the same show? Season 1 Episode 2 is literally called "The Child". He was literally nicknamed Baby Yoda for over a year. I repeat "Baby", not Middle-Aged Yoda. His species age slowly. His behavior is similar to a 1-3 year old. He coos, barely walks and was in a cradle during Season 1. Feeding himself isn't too significant since some species can do this from birth.

Mando didn't give the silver ball-like object to Grogu. Grogu took it during Season 1 and has been fascinated with it the same way young children are with an ordinary household item. Grogu usually takes it, but recently Mando has kept it for Grogu knowing how much he likes the object.

No mention of length of his training, but he appears to know many different Force powers and had several teachers. Grogu knows that Mando is looking out for him and has developed a bond since the second episode when he tried to Force heal Mando's wound. It's very much a father son relationship.

But, dad never feeds him nor buys him new clothes. Dad needs parenting classes.


"But, dad never feeds him nor buys him new clothes"

Lmao! He is seen giving him food in many episodes. As for his clothes maybe he has more than one robe?

I'm not sure if you're being serious or not but I love what you're writing!


Thanks. But, why am I the only one horrified with Mando telling the child to handle live wires?

Grogu was imprisoned so I doubt he had more clothes.

Mando yells at him for eating eggs without giving him something else to eat.
Very unfair.


"But, why am I the only one horrified with Mando telling the child to handle live wires?"

You're not, I was surprised at that too. Grogu's species ages slowly and he may be powerful but he is still just a baby.

"Mando yells at him for eating eggs without giving him something else to eat."

Well, he was eating the last of a dying species so I can't blame him there. And we actually did see him feeding Grogu in that episode :)


He's 50 years old and has had 50 years of experience, whether or not his physical body ages slowly.


Jedi only train younglings.


Does that mean he automatically understands ship repair and maintenance? Engineering? Nope. He's a baby in body and in some ways, his mind.


That's what he was called but he isn't a child. He's 50 years old. Are we watching the same show? Did you miss the part in the first episode where they said he was 50 years old? Yeah and many little people are confused for children. Remember Webster? He was a 23 year old man. Ashoka mentioned his length of training.


Re the silver ball...

Am I the only one who thought Grogu's little silver ball looks just like the little round silver explosives the pirates were using in the last episode?


Uh oh! A tragic future storyline for Groku.


Well, it also looked a bit like a shiny little Death Star, so who knows.

But yeah, I guess I'm the only one who noticed!


If Mando has had grogu for weeks or months then he must be doing something right because he is still alive and healthy? we've seen him feeding him before and clothes can be washed and worn and maybe grogu has multiples clothes that are the same.

Did you think grogu could have choked on a toy as he is a small child without Mando giving him full attention?

Have been watching the show - Mando has been searching for a jedi, if he knew Luke's whereabouts then he would have dropped him there straight-away.

Mando knows grogu is more resilient then a normal child, so can hold the wires.


Grogu was executed proving one shouldn't allow a young child to handle live wires.


Did he suffer bad burns or die from it?


The Jedi are abusive, too. They take Grogu from his parents for Jedi training and then Ashoka refuses to train him.


what parents do you talk of?

why Ashoka refused is explained in the show.


Young Force sensitive children were taken from their parents to be trained by Jedi. Ashoka doesn't have to train the kid, but she's what's left of the Jedi, therefore she should take care of him.

Disney SW writing and continuity can be clunky. There's no mention of Jedi Luke and his new Jedi Academy.


We don't know grogu's background - so he could have had parents, is a clone or some sort of fertilisation.

In terms of Ashoka priorities and loyalty also matter because she knows mando would take of the child as he has been doing up until now and gave him details to the best hope of training of the child if it is in his fate.

It's a big galaxy and jedi in short supply, so maybe there will be an explanation later on about Luke and the academy.


The kid is 40 years old


He's 50. First episode. He's not a kid, he just looks like one. So did Webster and Arnold yet they were fully grown adults.


Both actors were children when they began.

Jedi only train young children. Grogu is a youngling.


Not to mention, we've never seen Mando try to find out what species the kid is, where the species lives, what they eat, whether Force abilities are common among them, how they treat foundlings of their species, etc.

It does make sense to try and reunite the kid with the Jedi instead of his own kind, but knowing something about the little green Yod-oids would really help him provide appropriate care for the sprat.


As I understand it, Yoda's species is a mystery to almost everyone. Very few of them have been reported anywhere. The location of their homeworld is unknown - for all we know they could be synthetic, engineered life forms and not even have a homeworld. Even the Jedi seem to have known very little. Remember Ahsoka Tano said she'd only seen one other being like him?

According to George Lucas it was always his intention to have that origin question go unanswered. Of course now that Disney controls the franchise, they may decide to give us those answers. But they probably won't come quickly or easily. I'm guessing Mando does ask around (offscreen) but no one he talks to has ever seen or heard of a race that looks like Grogu.


There was a Yod-oid seen somewhere in a bar scene in the prequel trilogy, wasn't there? There was a being that looked like Yoda, but younger and pink-toned somewhere, I forget where but it wasn't at a Jedi temple. So the little green people aren't completely unknown in the greater galaxy, but maybe not many leave their home world. We will probably find out something about the species, but probably not pay a visit to their home world, as the kid really does belong with the Jedi.

I hope Ashoka took an off-camera moment to tell Mando what she knew about Yoda's habits, what he liked to eat and so on, anything to help Mando be a better guardian. Because he really doesn't have a lot of talent for some aspects of parenthood, but without his ability to keep the kid alive against heavy opposition... nothing else matters much.


I think there was a female of Yoda's species shown at some point. Don't remember where though. I haven't watched the prequels in years!

The Jedi are a lot like Shaolin monks. Warriors - which may explain why Grogu feels comfortable and safe with Mando. A fugitive parent who takes their kid on the run with them would be in a similar situation. He has to deal with people pursuing them, while also earning enough to keep going and getting whatever info he can along the way. So he's a fugitive parent with a full-time job. And yes, he hasn't exactly had a lot of experience with warm and fuzzy child rearing stuff. Didn't really have a normal childhood himself (although that also helps him relate to what Grogu has gone through).


I suspect the Jedi order contains more than warriors - I mean our main characters are warrior Jedi (and Yoda the teacher Jedi), but shouldn't there also be scholar Jedi and Jedi who study science or Force-related technology or history, or healer Jedi or purely spiritual Jedi who just commune with the Force? I should think the order has more than warriors enrolled, although the films offer no real canonical evidence.

Anyway, as for Grogu attaching to Mando, I think it's more because Mando has stepped into a parental role, and fed and housed the kid, than Mando being a warrior. In species that are raised by parents* the attachment instinct in small children is strong, it's a survival characteristic to stick close to a parent or parental figure, because the young can't really survive on their own. (When you make an animal into a pet, you are using that attachment instinct.) And adults have an instinct to look after children of dependent age, because species like ours can't survive over time if dependent children don't attach themselves to adults who are willing to look after them, and if adults don't look after children.

* Some species do not parent their young, they lay eggs and wander off, and the young hatch able to crawl or swim away and start life on their own. Other species of life grow from seeds or are never young, like bacteria that reproduce by binary fission.
