MovieChat Forums > 6 Underground (2019) Discussion > What a sick sucking piece of garbage ...

What a sick sucking piece of garbage ...

Unless you happen to like graphic new ways of computer generating people shooting other people through the head. The only thing this pathetic dog of a movie would be good for is wiring someone's head up to an EEG electroencephalograph machine to determine if this sick stuff turns them on, and if it does give the sickos a few years in prison. What a waste of talent and money to make movie like this POS.


So did you like it or not?


Naw. It was fuckin' awesome!


That's racist!


a few years in prison?
nah, just execute every last one of them motherf*ckers



I kept watching, thinking it would get better - not at all. I know its a popcorn movie. But that is not an excuse for making this crap of a movie. I'm glad to see others were also bothered by the stupidity of having a parkour "expert" literally run atop the extension of a crane and the bad guys struggle to even hold on, only to have them catch up almost immediately... so stupid!

Also, on the boat scene, was anyone bothered by the almost video-game wave and wave of bad guys coming out of every crease, door, wall, etc even after the wielding of the super-magnet? I was like... come on!!!! enough already...!

so much potential for a great movie but ending up with a POS


Excellent analysis.


Watching this right now and it’s got to be one of the most twitchy and sporadic films I’ve seen in a long time.

Each shot is a few seconds at most and it’s all over the place in terms of the story it’s trying to tell.

I can’t believe there are people on here praising this film as a good action thriller. Watch Mission: Impossible 4, 5 or 6 if you want fantastic popcorn entertainment action thrillers, this is painfully bad by comparison.

Can’t believe the guys who wrote Deadpool 1 and 2 wrote this, the screenplay is weak but it’s exacerbated by Michael Bay who frames his comedy shots the same as his action shots. It’s all one dimensional. No wonder even Netflix cancelled the sequel to this by reason of Netflix’s film chief saying ‘there just wasn’t that deep love for those characters or that world’ yeah no shit, these have got to be some of the most underdeveloped characters I’ve seen in a long time and there’s far too many of them.

I thought once Bay was done with Transformers we might get some enjoyable films from him again like Bad Boys, The Rock or Armageddon but this is just big budget Netflix trash.


Netflix hated it and terminated all contracts w the director ! Originally they had a 3 movie deal.
