MovieChat Forums > Inheritance (2020) Discussion > Hollywood Can't Help Themselves

Hollywood Can't Help Themselves

They just have to put some kind of pro-interracial propaganda in all their films.
The lovely Lily Collins married to a black guy! Give me a f-in break!


The movie had so much other pitiful crap going on, and that's what you're worried about. I hope it's eating you up.


Interracial couples are the future and will become the standard in movies.


WILL become?


Touche, basically is at this point. Like a mandatory requirement it seems.


yes. 12% of population = 50% of roles. the new math works fine.


Yes there is definitely quite a bit of over representation when it comes to this and yet their claim is that what they want is for movies/shows to reflect the demographics of the real world.


Are they? Statistic shows most people still prefer marrying the same ethnicity.


It's all a part of Hollywood going woke.



I have brought this up to a few of my close friends that have darker skin and they think it’s weird that I even mention it. I remember not long ago, as a whole, POC were not happy with “white washing” Hollywood. I notice more POC In commercials, movie roles etc. and the diversity of couples and it always pulls a heart string (online) when I bring up the influx of interracial couples in movies. I live in NYC, have traveled most metropolitan cities and realistically not every couple is interracial so why is Hollywood so fascinated with iT?

AND… Not that it should matter but I’m African American that has always been looked at as a white person (at first glance) because my skin is light due to my Eastern Euro mix.


Of course its weird you mention it. How dare you not think that 12% of the population should be representing 50% of the roles.


Some people are so WOKE, they forgot what it feels to be awake
