An open letter to Amazon Studios:

Dear Dumbasses,

When was created in 1998, its sole purpose was to be a free playground of the mind for fans of different films, tv shows, video games, books, comics, and everything else in-between. Didn't matter if the writers were good or bad, didn't matter if the stories were canon or not. It was a fun place to exchange ideas and to show how much you loved some franchise or other. And yeah, over half the writers suck or have bad stories that nobody likes or respects. A few are good and have deserved the praise they got. Unlike the movie industry, these stories didn't cause far-flung consequences to any franchises, or unhappy fans all over the world.

Like the Bechdel Test, fanfiction is often synonymous with jokes and satire, and yet you idiots (just like Lucasfilm), decided to be lazy and still go that route, complete with wasting tons of money in the equation. Did you idiots seriously learn nothing from the Star Wars Sequel Trilogy or "Wheel of Time" when it came to bad story-writing and not respecting the source material?

Now you're gonna find out why nobody takes seriously as a roadmap for story-telling; only this time, you're gonna find out you spent a billion dollars for NOTHING. I hope you're proud of yourselves for falling for such a dumb idea, because your studio is gonna be a laughingstock for the next 30 years, if it isn't already.

Good day, and go F yourselves.


That's good stuff, let us know if they respond.


I'm turning a shortened version of that into a meme.


Streaming services have accelerated during COVID-19. Every service (Amazon Prime Video, Netflix, HBO Max, Hulu, Disney+,...etc) wants to dominate the market, in order to do that, they went into a buying frenzy to get licenses as many as they could, their plan is: don't waste time on story adaption, directing, or acting performance, just film it, then broadcast it, and if the consumers hate it (most likely) then shelve it and looks for another franchise to destroy.
They already did this with "Wheel of time", "Batgirl", "The Shannara Chronicles", "Resident Evil", "She-Hulk", "Thor" ... etc

It is up to us, we real fans, to boycott their products until they respect us.


I think it's working. Amazon is in full-panic mode and has been furiously trying to do damage control for the past two months, and failing.


More like "If the consumers hate it (most likely) then call them racist misogynist homophobic trolls".

Also, I will be boycotting this.


Hear, hear.


There there.

