

I'm guessing you'll go see it anyway.


Dumb Hispanic attempts and fails to speak English properly and has black music blaring in the background. Probably lives in Florida or New Jersey.


I don't play the "give me clicks on YouTube" game. Either tell us your opinion, or peddle your fish someplace else. And one more thing: if you have to post a fucking YouTube link, do it ONCE. Any more than that and you'll just piss off the people you're trying to entice.



Hes not andre , mangua is a long time movieworldexpress hater


There will be protests at Joker screenings. You will stand out with your "Only Fakest DC fans aka Bandwagon cucks Support Fake Joker movie" sign.


That was hard to watch...made it about thirty seconds in. Camera wobbling all over, music in background, unscripted rambling...
You should figure out what you want to say and deliver it concisely, in an appealing way. Sounds like you're loaded with opinions and have stuff to say...you're most of the way there, but yeah this was a hard watch lol
