MovieChat Forums > Cobra Kai (2018) Discussion > Being 22 y/o, I am lucky...

Being 22 y/o, I am lucky...

Because in 30 years, I will be able to enjoy the next generation Cobra Kai series and the continued adventures with Sams, Miguels, and Torys kids, etc.


What about your college professor lol.

Doubt it will work without Johnny and Daniel.


He will be out of luck unfortunately. Of course it could work. Sam and Robby can be the Daniel and Johnny of the current show. If the producers are reading this, I would be willing to write some early scripts for this next generation show. Maybe my college professor could even help me


I can't see these characters having the same type of nostalgia as the karate kid bunch in 30 years time, might be wrong tho.


Unlikely. The karate which features on this show is a disgraceful cultural appropriation which shall not be tolerated within the next 10 years let alone 30.


If white American kids can't do karate ten years from now because it's "cultural appropriation" we are truly headed for a moronic society.


We will become much more diverse in 30 years. Sam can marry an Asian guy and have a gay child, who is fully accepted in society and also a great karate student. Miguel, a single dad, can have a transgender child. Maybe have Robby and Tory marry. There are so many possibilities for this next generation Cobra Kai show


Hard for it to be a cultural appropriation when Gichin Funakoshi dedicated his life to spreading the art throughout the world.


Shit, society won't be here in 30 years. Sorry, kid.
