Awful movie and here is why

1. Story lacked focused, especially the first half. It felt more like Quentin created this beautiful stage of 60s hollywood but didn't know what to do with it.
2. The story was a real non story.
3. The movie needed a better editor. A good edit of a movie makes all the difference.
4. Ran way too long.


Yes, it was a non story. There isn't a story. That's intentional. It's a character driven film.


Your right, but not critical enough. This film was the worst I've seen in a while. I never liked Quentin, Leonardo, and Brad, but this? Awful as heck!


It’s a disappointment for sure. I only wanted to see it as I’ve had a long time interest in cults including the Manson family. At first it was cool seeing the 70s scenes and everything but then it got boring. I enjoyed seeing Luke Perry’s short scene. Then it got to the end it’s a crazy mess.


You are right about it running too long.... almost 3 hours.


OP apparently is too dim to get the movie. Hard to imagine, but there it is for us to read.


simple minds are easily entertained.
