MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) Discussion > Wonder Woman 3’ Being Fast-Tracked Follo...

Wonder Woman 3’ Being Fast-Tracked Following Sequel’s Current $85M WW To Date


to me this feel more like a "Lets put something out there to try and convince people were not really disappointed" by WB....

I mean If you just look at the "Check List" of Disaster so far for WW84, I have NO Clue how WB could honestly WANT or feel good about bringing Patty back to write and director a 3rd film...

for WB, They must be just wanting for the final "Check" to be completed of this films failure

Check #1---WW84 completely BOMBS overseas and absolutely FLOPS in China(WW84 at a 90% drop off in China in week 2, lol) WW84 overall made almost 50% LESS than was projected for its Overseas opening..

Check #2---WW84 lifts its review embargo and absolutely FALLS OFF A CLIFF and Reviews and WOM are now average to bad

Check #3---WW84 has a disastrous domestic debut just like every other film that tried to open during the pandemic, WW84 is now going to finish with a Horrific domestic total somewhere between 50 to 70 Million(If lucky), WB had to have had some delusional HOPE that A Blockbuster like WW84 would ignite US Box office, I cant imagine the horror and disbelief WB felt when they started getting Numbers in and realized WW84 is DOA.

Check #4---WW84 now has ZERO chance of even having similar success to Tenet, We know WB was deeply disappointed in Tenets box office results and thats directly why WB immediately delayed several movies after Tenets Opening Weekend, Buuuuut again WB had to have been under the thinking that "Hey we know Tenet made 360 Million + during the Pandemic, WW84 has a much wider appeal and fanbase, 350 M+ is the floor for WW84, Maybe it might make 500 M"----lol thats now DEAD, WW84 had an AWFUL opening weekend overseas and Now we know WW84 continued being DOA overseas in its second weekend, Right now WW84 is at 85 Million WORLD WW84 isnt even going to make 200 Million TOTAL, somehow WW84 is going to make more than 160 Million dollars LESS than Tenet!...Box office wise, Its not an exaggeration to say WW84s box office is worse than WB or anyone could have ever imagined!....

The final "Check-off" WB must be waiting for of this films failure will be confirmation that WW84 didnt bring in the desired "New Subscribers" they desperately needs and is HOPING for for HBO Max

My money says, this "announcement" that Patty is coming back and they are fast tracking WW3 is about the same as Disney announcing Rian Johnson is writing and directing a new Star Wars Trilogy after The Last Jedi debuted...

I think Its clear WW84 is an absolute disaster and WB is just trying to minimizing the embarrassment and make it look like they arent completely devastated


She may want to have another child so why drag it out deciding on another film.


Once she gets replaced she can literally have as many children as she likes can't she. simple


She would be about 40 by the time she does Cleopatra and this if they don't waste time filming it.


who said she needs to be back for this?
There are much younger and better actresses who could do the part with a decent movie script and she is easily replaceable.
Lets hope she does cleopatra and her model filming career gets replaced by her being back at home making babies.


Well Patty deserves to end her trilogy thats ok. But after that it will be time for someone else to direct a Wonder Woman movie
