MovieChat Forums > Roseanne (1988) Discussion > I'm already over the transgender shit

I'm already over the transgender shit

I don't even know if he's trans or just flamboyant. Or a cross dresser. I thought trans meant they identify as the other sex, but he says he's a boy. So it's just annoying. Dan wants him to be boy. How much longer will this storyline of acceptance and generational fraction run? Over it.


He's not transgender, but more of a modern day Boy George.

I was a little surprised they didn't say anything about DJ having a mixed-raced child, or it being an issue, because I have a cousin, who is white, who married a black man and had 3 children. Her father went to his grave never speaking to her again or seeing his mixed raced grandkids. When one of her kids sent him a graduation invitation, he sent it back unopened. I'm sure this still happens and goes on today with people having that type of prejudice. It could be later that they will say something about that on the show, maybe by Bev or one of the racist towns people.


I'm white and my wife is Asian. I had a similar experience with a couple family members and you know what? It's not until you cut that toxic member out of your life that you realize how much better your life is without that toxic component. I'm in an interracial marriage. If anyone expects me to apologize for it they can bite me.

I feel sorry for those children of your cousin but they're better off without a racist influence like that whether they realize it or not. Some family just isn't worth it. I can't think of anything more archaic than hating someone simply for having more/less melanin in their skin than you do. The hell with racists.

As for DJ and his child, they may tackle this issue yet in the show. We just don't know.


I think I read something that DJ actually ended up marrying the girl he refused to kiss in that play, so I think we'll hear about it.



Mixing races, especially half asian, is very common in Australia. It’s not the big issue it was 30 years ago. Sure, we might think “mail order bride” when the man is 50s and the woman 30s (and I actually know a mail order couple) but we are more relaxed about it here.


I was actually thinking the same, it's largely the same in America. Not to deny the above poster's unfortunate experience if there was one, but white/asian romances (esp. with white male + asian female) have otherwise become pretty ordinary and I don't see it phasing many people anymore, outside of maybe white nationalist types.


The fact you don’t know if he’s gay or trans upsets you?

Do you also throw fits when you can’t open jars?


The crossdressing seems to be too much of a gimmick. It would've been better if the boy just had a bit of a flamboyant personality and the crossdressing was featured in only one episode. What's really the point of keeping it in? It's rather limited and forced.


Better let 50% of the world know that wearing women's clothes is limited and forced.


Good job failing to comprehend my comment and missing its point.

So it offers limitless inspiration for entertaining storylines if the main characterization of a female character is the dress she wears in every episode?


I agree with you. They are trying too hard to be "edgy" and it comes off pretty cringe. They really should have done what you are saying.


I think it's pretty rad.

Maybe he's just the flamboyant type. Like those 70s glam rockers, but modernized.


We're talking about a young boy from a blue collar household here, not a musician. You'll find that even those glam rockers started up in that direction while pursuing their careers (as ADULTS), and that they were dressing in a sort of a costume that they were selling their music with as a gimmick. They were not necessarily living out their day-to-day lives that way.

Granted, you do have the odd example of a say, Boy George type musician who is very outwardly gay and thus maybe more sincere in his 'flamboyant' dress style, but that's still a different story. I'd be hardpressed to imagine any 10 year-old boys getting away with crossdressing at school back in 70s/earlier. Not even the most free-spirited hippie parents I could imagine allowing it!


So you're annoyed by it, but you don't know anything about it. You don't know what a trans is or the difference between that and a cross dresser. Gee, if I didn't know any better, I'd think you were no better than those dicks who give such shit to a kid like this just for being who he is. Way to go. I am awed by your dumbassery.



I would like to know how my comments were "dumb." You've trolled me twice, and so far, you have yet to say anything that makes one shred of sense, other than to berate people for opinions and views you don't agree with. Grow up. You don't know anyone well enough to throw around childish comments about people wanking in mommy's basement.

Maybe that's where you are in life and you just don't want anyone to know it. Either way, I really don't care enough. I'm sure I'll still sleep tonight. Comfy in my own big roomy house.



It's called being a transvestite, not transgender.


Then you will like episode 3 because Mark isn't even on.


It was actually nice without him tonight. There were too many characters and storylines last week.


I agree. There was a lot going on in the first episode. Tonight's episode was good because it focused on just a few characters. It was really funny and Rosanne was in top form.


Me too. That’s the last thing I want to hear about.


Poor you. Not everyone in the world is exactly like you and you can’t stand to be exposed to that. What a tough life it must be for you.

Get over yourself.


Poor you. Someone doesn't care for something on a sitcom and it hurts your feelings. Not everyone is exactly like you and you can't be exposed to that. What a tough life it must be for you.

Get over yourself.


My feelings aren’t hurt. At all. And judging from your response, you’re too stupid to understand my simple post so I won’t bother trying to explain it to you.


I copied my exact response from you. Good for you for admitting your stupidity. Admitting is the first step. All I did through copying your response was point out the hypocrisy of what you said by pointing out that literally the exact same thing could be applied to you.

Please. You are so obviously butthurt by what the poster above you said, if not you would have just moved on and kept scrolling. I'm not getting into a debate about transgender stuff, because frankly i don't care. I am just calling you out for being a prick.

But in all seriousness thank you for not "explaining" anything to me. That sounds incredibly tedious and I have a life to get back to. Cheers. If you are American have a nice 4th of July. If not have a nice life.



People like Mark aren't going away. And I doubt they will ditch his character, but even if they do, it doesn't really matter that much. People like Mark are becoming more common, and so are the people who admire and support them. So don't be surprised if more characters like Mark become more common as well. They aren't going away.

Get over that.
THEN get over yourself.

Or not. I really don't care.


No need to be so condescending towards the OP. They don't have to like the storyline.


That's true, they don't have to like it. But that's not going to change what lies ahead. Getting over it is the only option. That's not condescending. It's merely a commentary the world we now live in. Society can either accept it or let it eat them alive.

And I'm not being condescending because I don't care. I don't care because I don't have to. We're all going to sleep tonight aren't we?


If you didn't care, you wouldn't have replied. It's not like the OP came to you and demanded your opinion.

Telling someone to "get over himself" is condescending.




