Isn't it Weird How...

...the original, made in 1988, made no reference to racism, privilege, or woke shit. It just tried to tell a story, entertain, and make you laugh.

Yet this sequel, made in 2021, repeatedly brings those things up.

Did racism get worse in the last 30+ years or something?

Oh, and also it wasn't funny. Murphy and Hall were great, but all the modern introductions were awful. And too many songs.


Even though those things existed, they weren't allowed to talk about it back then. Had they done that, the original would've gotten trashed before it was made.


I reject your hypothesis.


Both movies were crap.

If Murph had any funny bone left in his hollowed out skull he would have added the Nigerian-scam angle to this movie. This was nothing more than a retread of black fantasies about being as spoiled and vapid as white people. The original was just as woke as this forgettable sequel.

Real good comedy about race relations between Black and White culture in America can be found in The Hollywood Shuffle or the Wayans produced movies of the 80s/90s. They didn't pull any punches either.


Both movies were crap.

If Murph had any funny bone left in his hollowed out skull he would have added the Nigerian-scam angle to this movie. This was nothing more than a retread of black fantasies about being as spoiled and vapid as white people. The original was just as woke as this forgettable sequel.

Real good comedy about race relations between Black and White culture in America can be found in The Hollywood Shuffle or the Wayans produced movies of the 80s/90s. They didn't pull any punches either.


Race relations are much better. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a moron. Racism still exists, as it always will, but no way in hell it’s as bad as it’s ever been, and that should be an obvious statement.

The only reason anyone could logically think racism is worse now is because progressive dipshits think anything said in today’s world is racist, and they won’t shut the hell up about it. If you sneeze in today’s society you’re somehow a racist to these douchebags, and then they’re all over Twitter with a bunch of morons just like them, saying stupid shit like “Everything is offensive and racist, blah, blah, blah, #ilickbuttholes.”

Ironically, these people claiming so hard to be anti-racist are the people who are keeping racism alive and well, and on everyone’s minds by constantly bringing it in to every moment of life. It’s their entire political platform.

That’s proof that racism is getting better, is that these white progressive wastes of oxygen (yes, it’s 95% white liberal extremists who bitch about racism the most) are able to nitpick every little thing to try and find the racism, because there isn’t nearly as much there, so they have to dig up old books and cartoons to ban to get everyone all fired up.

Anyways, I thought this movie was a decent enough sequel. Nothing special...but I wasn’t expecting much. I liked seeing all of the characters back. Great to see James Earl Jones! Also loved the line that all Hollywood is now is Superheroes, remakes, and sequels to movies made 30 years ago. Nice self awareness joke in there, and that line was spot on! Haha.

My only eye roll was watching the daughters beat the hell out of Wesley Snipes and his guards. But it’s a comedy, so whatever. It’s much more laughable when 80 pound twig women beat 6’5”, 250 pound bulked up mercenaries in movies trying to be serious.
