MovieChat Forums > Gisaengchung (2019) Discussion > See this with an audience...

See this with an audience...

...and having read as little as possible beforehand. It is a real crowd-pleaser which is often very funny, packs a punch and has some dazzling narrative twists and turns. I watched it in a crowded theatre in Singapore a couple of months ago amid audible gasps and laughs throughout, sometimes both in the same scene. Bong's best film to date.


Amen! That's what I did last night. An excellent film (8.50), and should be an Oscar contender.


reply right you were


Thank you, Furious. I had forgotten about this prediction. Looks like I got one right.



You called it! Way to go. Just caught it tonight. Great on so many levels even with a few personalminor nitpicks. Happy for the director, crew, actors and SK in general. Sometimes the academy gets it right.


Thanks. Occasionally they do.



Well I followed your advice and saw this today however there were only two other people in the cinema. I liked bit but I feel I missed out on the experience you all had 😞


I agree I just saw this film at the cinema and it was incredible unfortunately there were only 7 people in the auditorium including me.

The overall reaction was pretty subdued so I definitely missed out on the joy of experiencing it first hand with a fully engaged audience. Still what a brilliant piece of cinema
