Donkey Kong voice actor.

I guess the people behind the movie thought it would be problematic to cast an African American actor to voice a gorilla. Terry Crews or The Rock would have been perfect for the role.


Same reason they won't make Tarzan black.


Tarzan is the son of British nobles, why should he be black?


Can't they be black british nobles?




Then start watching the last David Copperfield. But a Tarzan movie is more serious, so an artistic choice like in Copperfield would be even more controversionally as any decision done regarding TLM.


Can't they be black british nobles who work for the L.A. police?

DarkLeafNinja, grow the F up.


Nobody wants a black Tarzan. It defeats the point of the story.


Nobody wanted a black mermaid but look at us now.....🤷‍♂️😂


Yeah. With a failed movie no one will ever remember.


100% What a f****** joke I for one will not let my daughters see that movie.


The Rock is black?


Go troll elsewhere.


Says the troll who made this post.


trolling is for the dim-witted.


If Hollywood would focus less on star power and more on finding voice actors that actually fit the characters, this would’ve turned a good movie like this into an excellent movie. Mario is such an iconic franchise that people would have gone to see this movie regardless of who was cast, so they might as well have made talent their top priority. They didn’t need star power at all.



“True but it makes advertising easier.”

I’m pretty sure just advertising a Super Mario movie on its own would get people’s attention. I don’t think star power in the advertising would’ve made any difference. I don’t agree that it’s excellent as it is, it’s in the “very good” category for me. It also doesn’t change the fact that in the one instance where Hollywood could definitely afford to cast highly talented and skilled voice actors that didn’t necessarily have star power behind them, those said talented voice actors once again got the short end of the stick.

When I said this movie focused too much on star power, I wasn’t talking specifically about Anya Taylor-Joy. I had never heard of her before this movie, and I thought her voice was good for Princess Peach. I would’ve kept her in the movie but rewritten Princess Peach because they made her just way too capable of a character. Anya may not have been exactly a star, but when you see other names like Jack Black, Seth Rogen, Chris Pratt, etc. you can tell that the people behind this movie just relied way too much on these recognized names.



I completely disagree. Stars were not needed for this movie at all. A lot of the voice acting in this movie was really not good and just really didn’t fit the characters (notably Mario and Donkey Kong).

I also never said that lesser known voice actors who had more talent would’ve been more expensive. It most definitely would’ve been the other way around, so these people spent all that money basically for nothing.


Anyone would’ve been better than Seth Rogen.


I would have greatly preferred either of the actors you mentioned over Seth Rogen.
